chapter 6

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I was hiding in a little hidden door I found in my room. It was spacious and cozy. Thats when it opened. I was waiting to get caught but it never happened. It was adam. "How did you find me?" I asked. He just shrugged. He stared at me. He kept getting closer and closer. I tried to oush him away but he held me down and kissed me. Once he realized I never kissed back he frowned and pulled away. "What the fuck?!" I yell. I get out of there and away from him. Jake ran in and saw me and adam. "Its called hide and seek." He tells me. "Yeah we know there was a spider and she freaked out." Adam said. I glared at him. That lying son of a bitch. "Oh well come on help me find the others." Jake says. Adam smirks. I glare at him.


When they were leaving amy and adam were sayibg by to everyone. Amy gave me a hug. Adam tried but I didnt want to touch him. I stuck up my hand for a highfive. He frowned and gave me a highfive. Amy gave me a weird look. When they left I ran upstairs to devyn and coreys room. Devyn was in there. I told her everything. She advised me to tell jake so I did. He was really upset. He still loves me though. It wasnt my fault adam kissed me.

I could tell jake was still upset. He would still talk to me and kiss me and hug me but I could tell he wasnt given me all his love. I was coming home from shoppong with devyn and I saw jake and colby filming. "Hey y/n." Colby says. I wave. Jake walks up to me and kisses me. I kiss him back and go up to his room. I changed into some shorts and a tank top. I turned off the light and just kept the lamp on. I hear the door open and close. I feel arms go around my waist. I then feel light kisses on my neck. I turn and im faced with my handsome boyfriend. He stares at me. "I know I havent been showing you how much I love you. I just its bothering me that I feel im not enough for you and you could do so much better." He tells me. "Jakey jakey listen baby. I love you so fucking much. You are perfect in every way." I tell him. He smiled at me and crashed his lips into mine. It turned into a heated kiss. We didnt let anything go any further so we just laid down and watched alittle animated film called brother bear on netflix.


I woke up to the sound of screaming. It was aaron again. "AARON!!" I yell. "WHAT!" He yelled back. "STOP SCREAMING IM TRYING TO SLEEP." I yell. "HEY!" corey yelled. I noticed jake was filming. "WHAT!" Me and aaron yell. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" he yells back. "WHY IS EVERYONE YELLING." Sam yells. "SAM! STOP YELLING." colby yells. "HEY EVERYONE!" I yell. "WHAAAAT!" They all yell. "Good morning friends." I say loudly. "Good morning." They all say in a weird voice. I look down and  jake was laughing. "Mornings in our house is not so normal." I say to the camera.

The day went better than it did the last few days. I was now home by myself at night. Colby and sam were on tour for the sam and colby tour. Corey and devyn were on a date. Aaron was with a old friend and jake was at school. It would be 2 hours before he got home. I was in the garage because it would be an easy escape from danger also I hear noises everywhere. Buddy, MJ and navi were with me and I was on my phone. Thats when I hear something break in the kitchen. Navi doesnt bark so it that means someone is in the house. Navi starts to growl and make her shush. I was about to call the police and someone busted in. I made Navi, MJ and buddy run out so they wouldnt get hurt. I pressed call and speakerphone and then sneakly slid my phone under the table. "Dont move." The guy said. "I want anything thats valuable." He said. "Dude I dont live here. Im just house sitting." I lie. He shot the wall. I didnt flinch.

*10 years earlier*

"Dad what if it hits me?"

"It wont I promise. Just dont flinch. You gotta be brave."

I close my eyes. (And I can see. The world thats waiting up for me. Sorry) I hear the gunshot and the bullet shot passed me. I never once flinched. "Okay good job y/n. Now knock the gun out of his hand!"

I run up to him and knock the gun out of his hand and then I kick him and knee him in the stomach. "Good job y/n."


I cut back into reality and the guy was on the ground the gun our of his hand. The police rush in and I fall to my knees. They arrest the guy. I was sitting in an ambulance still shocked about what happened. I see the roommates come toward me. "Are you okay?" I hear jake yell
He runs up and hugs me. He kisses my forehead. "Yeah im fine." I tell him. The police come and ask me what happened. I even told them about me knocking the gun out of his hand and me kicking his ass.

*??? Pov*

"Sir news from your daughter." My clients tell me. "What?" I asked. "She is in LA living with some friends. And she just had a robbery. She defended herself." They tell me. I smirked. "Thats my girl." I say. "Get me a plane ticket she is gonna finally see me again." I tell my assistant. She nods.

Ooooooh whos the father?
What is she really?
How does she know how to do those things?
Guys ive really been obsesed with thinhs like this. Ive always wanted to train and become a secret agent. So I hope you guys enjoy.

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