Sequel to

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Hey guys Ax here this is gonna be the sequel chapter so its not gonna be as long but its gonna give a sense whats gonna happen. but im also keeping what happened very mysterious and maybe you could figure it out. I dont even know if anyone will want to read it. That doesnt hurt my feeling or anything -_-

Few months later

"Come on pack up! Grab the kids!..Hurry Jake. Corey has the bus ready come on. Grab the valuable stuff and the formula cases." I yell. Jake rushed and grabbed everything. The explosions got louder and more frequent. The sound of helicopters flew above us. The babies had sound proof headphones on listening to lullaby music. Jake grabbed some bags and one of the car seats. I grabbed the other car seat and some bags. We did a double take to make sure and headed down stairs. we got the babies into the bus first and got our bags in the storage. We got in and sat down. "Why is this happening now?" I asked quietly. "I dont know baby. We just gotta keep moving forward. We gotta protect the kids." he says. I nodded but tears ran down my face. The bus started up and soon the explosions faded and down the country roads we went.

I thought of this like going camping for a really long time. I brought a journal to write down my thoughts, adventures, notes, tips for myself. Maybe things happen for a reason. This is something I never thought would actually happen. I always seen movies and read books but it never seemed real. But here we were.

March 10th, 2020 entry log 1

You never think about all the things you wanted to do until you couldnt do it anymore. 

I'm gonna be brave for my kids and my group. I need strength. I know Im not alone but sometimes I feel lonely in my mind. Its like time takes everything away from you.

This is very short and im sure I'll have more thoughts as this journey continues. Maybe we'll meet some nice people on the way but we just "have to keep moving forward" like Jake said. I'll surly be the only one to read these but its like these are memories written on a page.

~Y/n Webber

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