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5 months later....

It's been five months and I already have my baby bump. Well actually it's alittle bigger. Today was the day I'm gonna fond out if it's a boy or girl. Jake wanted to be surprised so he didn't go with me into the room. The doctor was super nice and took the ultrasound. I looked at the little screen. "Well Ms. L/n. You are actually eating for three." The doctor says with a smile. "Wait twins?" I asked. He nodded. He showed me the little feet.

Once the ultrasound was over I went out to the waiting room. Jake ran to me. "Well?" He asked. I started acting sad. "He said...That we are having twins. A boy and a girl." I tell him. He placed his hand over his heart. "Oh my God. Baby!" He says freaking out in a good way. I start laughing. He picks me up and takes me to the car. "Let's go and get stuff to surprise our friends." He says as he gets in and buckles up. On the way to the party place he grabs my hand as we listen to music. It was great to have someone who was so committed to this.

"I love you." Jake says. "Love you too." I say. We made it to the party place. We grabbed pink and blue stuff. I facetimed Corey. "Wassup prego sauce." He says. "Hey. So me and Jake are having a gender reveal party. Can you tell the others. Tonight at 9." I tell Corey. He nods. "Bye Corey!!!" I yell. "Bye b." He says. He hangs up. When me and Jake got home we started setting up the apartment. I then started preparing and baking food.

When everyone arrived the food was done. The gender reveal was gonna be in balloons. Me and jake each had a balloon. "Okay guys. Y'all ready?" I asked. Everyone cheered and they were filming. "1..2..3!" Jake yells. We pop are balloons and the mixture of blue and pink mix. "Wait. Why both colors?" Colby asked. "Omg you are having twins?!" Devyn yells. I nodded. "Ya boy made twins." Jake says.

"This is just amazing." Brennen says. "Yo. This is a huge step for you two. And you both are gonna be great parents." Colby says.

*Week later*

"Wanna meet my parents?" Jake asked. I was in the kitchen making a spaghetti dinner. "Me meet your parents?" I asked. "Yeah. You can meet my fams." He says. "Okay. Yeah. I'd love to meet them." I tell Jake. He smiles. "They will love you." Jake tells me. "Okay. Come on. The walking dead is on. Shh." I tell him as I hand him his plate. He chuckled and we snuggled and ate food.


The next morning I woke up and Jake was still asleep. I checked the time and it was 7:44 in the morning. I stretched and got out of bed. I looked at Jake. He looked so cute sleeping. I smiled at how lucky I am. I held my belly and looked out the window.

"Hey guys. I just wanna let you know that you are in the best hands. And that me and your daddy will love you no matter what you are." I say. I felt arms go around my waist. "Good morning Mama." Jake says. "Good morning daddy." I say. He smiled his best smile then he had a thought and his face got red.

"Get your head out of the gutter." I tell him. "But now I'm thinking about it." He says with a groan. I just giggled and went to the bathroom. I needed a shower so I stripped and got in. I heard the door open and close. "Jake?" I asked. I looked out of the shower curtain. No one was in there. I washed off and got out. I was really confused. I put my robe on and walked to the bedroom. "Did you go into the bathroom and grab something?" I asked. "No. I've been in here.." he says. "Well I heard the door open and close." I say. "I did too. But I thought it was you." He tells me. I shook my head.


I'm gonna be on the podcast today with Aaron and Corey. I was running alittle late but I got there. We were starting.

*10 mins into the podcast*

"Okay for those who don't know y/n introduce yourself." Corey tells me. "Okay. Hey. I'm y/n. And I'm pregnant." I say. "oh that's right. You and Jake are having twins." Aaron says. "Yeah it's crazy." I say. "How did you feel when you found out?" Corey asked. "Oh god. I was having anxiety because I didn't know if Jake was ready or if he even wanted one. It was stressful to keep it in but then I told Kat and she helped me. So shout out to Katrina." I say. "Yeah. Have you and Jake thought of any names?" Aaron asked. "Uh yeah a few. Or more of Jake wanting to name them Cosmo and Wanda. But I was thinking for a girl Jade. And a boy Luke. And others that I can't think of." I say. "Well I'm happy for you guys." Aaron says. Corey starts clapping. "Okay let's talk about when you moved in with us. How was it and are there any stories." Corey asked. "Okay. Im gonna be honest. That place was disgusting." I say and Corey and Aaron start to laugh. "It really was. The only place that wasn't gross was upstairs because you guys didn't like having people up there." I say. "Let me tell y'all something. I never went to any parties that they threw. I went up to my room before I got with Jake. I'd watch Netflix and fall asleep and hope that a earbud wouldnt fall out." I say.

Corey and Aaron looked surprised. "Oh my God. Look we are so sorry. Okay before you continue. Why was it you came to our house out of everything else?" Corey asked. "Okay so the college in LA that I got accepted into said I had to find a place to stay until I started. My friend said she knew who one of y'all were and I think she knew Colby so. And I don't think I told anyone this. Half way through my stay with you guys the school I was going to go to told me that spots were full and I didn't have a college. But I had no where to go and I didn't tell anyone." I say.

"You should have just told us. We weren't gonna kick you out. Cause you were starting to fit in and we didn't even want you to go. And we all started to like having you around especially Jake. He would tell us all about you when you would go out with the girls." Aaron says. "Yeah dude. We love you." Corey says. "Aw thanks guys." I say.

"Okay what about paranormal stuff?" Corey asked. "Oh that's a story. So it was one night everyone was gone. I didn't feel like doing anything that day and I was up in Jake's room just kinda watching TV. I heard a loud this down stairs and buddy started barking and Navi was also barking. Both of them were in the room with me. I was terrified so I walked down stairs and I looked into the kitchen. I swear to you guys. There was a shadow of a man standing in front of the fridge. I didn't scream I blinked a couple times and I looked and it was gone." I say. "Nuh uh What time was it?" Corey asked.

"It was dark. I don't remember the time." I say. "Dude. That house was creepy when you are alone. Id hear so much shit." I say. We spent awhile talking about alot of stuff. Soon the podcast was over and I said bye to the boys.

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