Chapter 11

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So I just went back and read a few of my chapters and I've been missing so much. Such as the animals. And important stuff. I'm never consistent in any of my stories so I'm so sorry guys. But here is another chapter

"come on. We gotta get Mj from the house." Jake tells me. My poor doggy. "Let's go then." I say. He kisses my cheek and we go back to the house and grab MJ. Jake was filming for his YouTube channel. I was eating food and trying to film him driving.

"Are you eating?" He asked in a funny voice. "Yes." I say. "Give me some." He says opening his mouth. I give him one of my Cheetos. "Okay guys. We are going to get our puppy from the trap house and that will be the last thing we need. Then we are all set." He says. "I'm not gonna miss the demons." I say. "I know right me too." He says.

I stop recording and I looked out the window. "Let's go on a date tonight." Jake tells me. "Alright I'd love that." I say.

*Time skipped to tonight*

I was done getting ready so I took a picture.

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Y/n_instantly: Date night with the best💕

Jake was ready to go so we left. Mj tried to leave with us but I didn't allow her. Jake was always so full of surprises so when I got into the car he handed me a blindfold. I sighed but put it on. "You trust me?" He asked. "Yes Jake." I say. He starts the car and I felt him grab my hand. We seemed to be driving awhile. Soon we stop and I hear him open my door and help me out.

He grabs my shoulders and guides me. It felt like we walked awhile. Soon the blindfold came off. I was about to go into tears.

"Do you like it?" He asked

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"Do you like it?" He asked. "Are you kidding. I love it. How did you set this all up?" I asked. "Well with the help of Sam and Colby and my mom." He says. I was actually crying. "My makeup." I say giggling. He takes me over and pulls out a chair. "Where are we?" I asked. "Our secret place." He says. "You are so cute." I tell him. There is something I've been needing to tell him.  "Hey Jake? How do you feel about kids?" I asked. "I think it would be a big step in life but I want kids." He says. "okay. I was just wondering." I tell him. After our dinner we got into the car. I texted kat asking her if everything was ready. She replied with a kissing emoji.

The car way back was fun. We told each other memories from when we first met. "Remember the stuffed bear?" He asked. "Oh my God. That bear was so hot!" I laughed. "I loved how you just fit in there perfectly." He says. "I'm very small." I say shrugging. "And cute." He adds.

We got to the apartment. He gets out and runs over before I could open the door. I giggled as I stepped out. He picks me up and places me on his shoulder. We walked to the door. He unlocked it and walked in. The light went on and kat had brought alot of people. Sam and Colby we're holding a sign that said.


Jake looked at me. He placed me down and stared at me. "Surprise." I say uneasily. "Baby. This is the best surprise ever. I'm gonna be a dad!!" He says picking me and swinging me around. He places me down and kneels and touches my stomach and gives my stomach a kiss.

Kat ended up getting a picture of that moment. That night me and Jake stood in the kitchen talking with Sam and kat. "That's why you declined the wine tonight." Jake says. "Yep. No more alcohol for me." I tell him. There was a sudden bang at the door. Colby opened it and a girl busted through. "Where's Jake?" She yelled. Jake grabbed my arm and hid me behind him alittle bit. "Gabbie? What the fuck are you doing here?" Jake says calmly. "I just miss you. And I want you to take me back." She says. My blood started to boil. "Do you realize why there's a party?" I asked calmly. "Who are you?" She says pointing her finger at me.

"I'm Jake's girlfriend. And this party if for Jake becoming a father so I'd beat it if I were you." I tell her. Gabbie looked shocked then looked at Jake for help. Jake just smirked and took a sip of his wine. Gabbie stomped away.

"I'm so sorry she came here." Jake says. "Jake you don't have to apologize for her actions." I tell him. "Hey let's not get sad here. It's a special day. Let's party!" Yelled Brennen. The whole night I saw some new faces congratulate me and Jake. Ive never seen Jake this happy. "How many weeks are you?" He asked. "6 weeks." I informed him. "Wow. This is amazing." He says.

Now I have to tell my dad. I made everyone shoosh and I face timed my dad. "Hello honey. I'm in the middle of a mission." He says I hear a gun shot. "Well this is important." I say. "Okay I can multitask." He says.

"So. Im pregnant." I say quickly. I saw him smile. "Grandpa shall not die today. I'll be over to congratulate you two tomorrow." He says. "wait how-" I didn't get to finish. "Love you honey." He says and hangs up. I looked up at the fridge and saw a little sheep statue. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "He approved!" I yell and everyone cheered. That night was crazy and I ended up going to sleep. I let Jake stay up and celebrate so MJ cuddled with me till Jake came to bed.

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