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Today was the day I meet Jake's parents. His family was having a huge dinner because of me. "Are you done packing babe?" I hear Jake ask. "Uh yeah. Just nervous." I say twiddling my thumbs. "Don't be they will love you." Jake says. I looked down at my stomach. Jake smiled and placed his hand on it. "I can't wait for these two to be born." He says.

"Me too." I say looking up at him kissing him. "Alright come on. Onward to Kansas!" He says putting his fist in the air. I shook my head and we left to the airport.

*In Kansas*

We got to Kansas a women saw that I was pregnant and made people wait. "Thank you so much for that." Jake and me thanked her. "It's nothing. I have a sick boy and I'm going to see him." She says. She was so sweet. "Well here is 500 dollars. I hope this helps you." Jake tells her. "Oh no I can't take this. You have a baby on the way." She says frantically. "No ma'am we make more than enough. Take it." Jake says.  "Thank you. Now I can pay for my sons medical bill." she said hugging us. "No problem ma'am. I hope your son feels better." I tell her. She smiled and walked away. Me and jake walked and grabbed our stuff from the luggage area.

Jake got us an uber. We loaded up our luggage and the uber took us to his parents house. "Nervous?" he asked. "Yeah a little." I say sighing.

Jake knocked. A woman opened the door. "Oh my gosh. Hello jake! Hello y/n! Ooh come in. Let me feel my grandchild." She had so much energy. I giggled as me and jake walked. We walked into the kitchen and a girl runs to jake. "Sup big bro." she says. "Hey little sis." he says. She looks at me then my stomach. "Im gonna have a niece and nephew?" she asked. "Yep. Auntie julian." jake says. She hugs me.


Everyone in his family was so nice. They welcomed me in like I was one of their own. I loved it here. Me and jake were in his room relaxing. He placed his hand on my tummy. "Im so excited." He tells me. "Me too jake." I say. I kiss him.


"Fuck you jake! Look what you done to me!" I yell. "Okay y/n push in 1..2..3" the doctor says. I push. With more pushing and breathing one baby popped out. It was the little baby girl. But now for the baby boy. After alot of pushing and breathing he popped out as well. The doctor placed them on my chest. I was crying so much. Finally they got taken and cleaned up. Jake took pictures of them and I had jakes mom take pictures of me jake and the two babies. Their names and Austin blake webber and  Sky Delilahwebber.

They had jakes eyes and hair. They had my nose and face shape. I loved them so much. There was a knock on the door. It was my dad. He walked in and hugged jake when he saw my beautiful babies. He wanted to hold them so I let him.

Me and jakes friends wanted to hold the babies. "Im hungry." I say. Everyone starts to laugh. My babies were healthy and were allowed to go home tomorrow. Jake was so excited to take them home. "Looks like im not gonna get evicted anymore." Jake jokes. "Somehow you will babe." I say. He chuckles.


Jake had left me alone with the kids. He went on a trip with the boys. Katrina and devyn decided to have a sleepover and help me.

The babies are ready for bed

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The babies are ready for bed. Come back home daddy. @jakewebber9

Everyone was so happy for us. The doorbell rang and I opened it up to reveal kat and dev. They were excited but I told them to shush. They got quiet and showed them to the babies room.  They silently awed trying not to wake them up. We all sat on the couch and drank tea. We talked about life. "So has he asked you yet?" Katrina asked. "What question?" I asked. "You know the big question?" Devyn asked. I realized what she meant.  "Oh no. One step at a time." I say. They looked at each other and giggled. "What?" I asked in suspicion. "Nothing." Kat said quickly. I narrowed my eyes at them. I got a FaceTime call from jake.

I answered it and saw his beautiful face. "Hey babe." He says. "Hi. How is the Stanley hotel?" I asked. "Its going well. No one died." He says. "Yet." Sam says in the background. "There is no yet sam." I hear corey scold sam. I giggled. "Children." I say rolling my eyes. "Speaking of. Hows my babies." Jake asked. I giggled and stood up and went to the nursery. I showed them. Jake awed. "Well babe I gotta go okay. Ill be back tomorrow." He says. "Okay baby. Have fun." I whisper. The call ended and I went to the kitchen to find the girl making pancakes. "Omg yes." I say putting my hands together and closing my eyes.

*hours later*

I woke up in the middle of the night with the babies crying. I got up and changed both of them and made them bottles. They finally went to sleep 30 mins later. I went to the couch and laid down falling asleep.

Jakes pov

I said bye to the boys and went into my apartment. I walked in and it was silent. I saw y/n laying on the couch. I smiled and picked her up and put on the bed. I went and checked on Austin and skylah who laid there sleeping peacefully. I took a picture of them. Im so lucky to have a family. There was a knock on the door. Who could that be?

I went and answered it. MJ's ears stood up. It was Gabbie. She didnt say a word she just kissed me. I didnt kiss back. "What the fuck!?" I hear. I push gabbie away. It was y/n. She had tears streaming down her face. Gabbie smirks and Y/n ran at her and punched her in the mouth. Gabbie stumbled back. Gabbie ran away. She looked at me with anger. "How could you jake!?" she yelled.

Y/n pov

I was so angry. Not at jake but at gabbie. How dare she kiss my boyfriend. "I didn't kiss her back." Jake said. I calmed down a bit. Jake hugged me. His embrace felt really nice.

He looked at me. He leaned in and so did I. We kissed and it was the best feeling ever. We broke away.  "I love you baby." He says. "I love you jake." I say. We held each other until I heard the cry of the twins break the silence. "Ill get austin." I say. "I got skylah." He says.

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