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** This was my first book and the first few chapters are kinda crappy, but I've went through and edited them a bit so hopefully they aren't that bad. It gets better after you read my recent chapters lmao.  

Anywho! If you could go check out my friend Jessica's book 'Stalker '   that would be amazing, if you're a Taylor girl, seriously go read it rn.. Her user is @define_caniff and I already put the link so GOO CHECK IT OUT! 

And please don't forget to vote pleasee :) **


(Summer's POV)

It's the day before the first day of HIGH SCHOOL. I'm finishing up my last day school shopping at mall with my bestfriend, Emily.

"Should I get this?" asks Emily as she comes out the dressing room in a tank top that says "I like Tacos".

"It's really cute on you. So I think you should!" I say

"Okay, I'm just gonna get this then we can run over to Sassy's! I heard they just opened! " Emily says

"Okayyy" I say as I groaned, I haven't found anything else I want that's cute and I have a major headache!

Emily checks out and looks straight into Sassy's window as we walk out, "OMFG! Look! That is sooo cute! I have to try it on!" She takes my hand and runs and pulls me so hard I fall and run into someone! Suddenly I look up to see who I ran into while rubbing my head and hear, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I look up and see a blonde blue eyed boy who looks about 5'8" he's wearing a tanktop so I could see he has abs. "Yeah, I'm fine it's my fault. I'm sorry" I say blushing.

"I'm Kayden" He says as he grabs my hand to help me up. "I-.. I'm Summer" I look up into his beautiful blue eyes. I'm only 5'4 so he's taller than me. "Can I buy you something to eat or something to makeup for it?" He says with a big smile. " Uh, yeah! Sure! " I say as I look over to see Emily giving me a dirty look. Kayden grabs my hand and pulls me into Snack Shack. "What do you want?" he says grining. He was so cute, I just zoned out into his eyes. "You there?" He moved his hand into my face. "Oh! Uh, um. I'll just get whatever you get" I say blushing feeling like a retard. "Wanna get nachos to share and a coke?" He says. "That's fine." I say I look over and I see Emily at a table, and it seems as if she's trying to spy on us or something, she sees me look at her and she hides her face. I can't help ,but to laugh. "What?" Kayden says looking at me as if I was on crack or something. "Looks like someone is spying on us." I say laughing and pointing to Emily, she looks up with big eyes and says "What? Huh? Oh um Im just here because Im hungry!" , "Yeah, okay!" Me and Kayden both say at the same time. We laugh and with that our nachos and coke is ready. I carry the coke and he carries the nachos to a table for two. "Mmmmm! These are the best nachos I've ever had!" I say. I must've had cheese on the corner of my mouth or something, Kayden laughs and wipped it off. I blush like a retard again. "So, tell me about yourself! I mean I don't really know anything about you" he says smiling. "Well, I'm going to high school this year, Im 15. I'm the captain of the cheerleading squad, at North Shore High School.. And I-" Kayden cuts me off by saying "Oh! That's where I'll be going!... And wait, cheerleader?" He says smirking. "Yes haha, I'm a flyer." I say smiling. " ," The one who goes up in the air and pulls all those tricks?" "Yep! Now enough about me.. I wanna know about youuu!" I say trying to sound as cooly as I can. "Well I'm 17, Im moving here because I've always wanted to live around a beach and my parents are trying to let me do everything while Im young, you see I have cystic fibrosis, that's why I don't look 17. I might only live until Im 35, or I might live longer. The thing is I don't know." He said with a sad look on his face. My eyes were watering.. I wanted to cry. " I-I- I didn't know, Im so sorry.." I say sliding over to give him a hug, I could feel his abbs while hugging him, I could just hug him all day. Soon we began laughing and it felt like we'd known each other forever. We exchanged numbers and took a selfie to put at the picture. "Bye Summer!" He said while giving me a long hug. "Bye Kayden!" I say smiling as he walked away. I look behind me to see Emily saying "Aweee" , "Shutup" I say blushing still. On the car ride home I told her about everything and how he had CF. Emily is a year older than me and in a grade above me, she dates a Mexican..(That's why she got the taco shirt)

She moved in with us this summer, she has problems at home and I've known her since I was like 4 so my parents just adopted her. She's like my sister, Im an only child so she keeps me company.. All I could think about was Kayden. I couldn't wait to see him again. As we get home I tell my mom about Kayden, we're really close. "They hugged and I was like aweeee!" Emily says. "Yeah thanks for dragging me like a maniac or else I wouldn't have met him!" We go upstairs and I plug my phone is because it went dead on the way back home and I see a text from Kayden. In my phone I have him labeled as "Kayden😏😘"

Our text conversation


Kayden: Hey! I miss you already😔

Me: I miss you too! I wish I could see you again, tonight.😒

Kayden: What neighborhood do you live in?

Me: Hunting Pointe

Kayden: Me too! 407 right? I think I've seen you around.

Me: Yeah! Haha probably at the park, I babysit alot. 😁


Suddenly we hear what sounds like a rock hit the window. I look out and see Kayden standing there like a goof saying "Can I see you?" (It's late at night and everybody is asleep)

I look at him like he's crazy. I text him and tell him I'll come to the front door and let him in but he has to be very quiet. He agrees and says okay. "I'm gonna go let Kayden in okay? Please look out and make sure nobody sees me!" , "Okayyyy" Emily says.

I quietly tip-toe down the stairs to let Kayden In and open the door he comes in quietly and I motion him to follow me upstairs to my room. We walk in and I shut and lock the door and Emily is just sitting on her bed with bug eyes. We all start busting out laughing which doesn't matter because my room is soundproof. "Wow so, you stay here?" Kayden ask Emily. "Yeah, well, I usually just come every summer ,but this summer I moved in here! " she says grining like a freak. "But ya know if y'all want some privacy to do something (she winks) then I'll just go in the other room" , "Emily shut the fuck up." I say smiling. Kayden laughs. Well that was awkward, thanks Em. As the night goes on it ends with me falling asleep on Kayden. I could feel him easily trying to get up to go ,but I still pretended to be asleep. He got up and kissed me on the forehead and said "Goodnight beautiful" he snuck downstairs and left. I couldn't stop thinking about him.. I finally feel asleep.

(Kayden's POV)

I quietly sneak out and walk back home, I know I just met this girl ,but she made me feel complete. No other girl has made me feel this way. I think I really like her. I quietly try to sneak into the house. As soon as I get to my room I plop on the bed and go to sleep.


Okay guys, that was chapter 1! I'm sorry if it seemed bad, Hopefully I will get better through out the story! I'm going on vacation tomorrow until Sunday so I will post back on Monday!

I want to have 5 reads by Monday if possible! Thanks! 😘 Love you guys.

The New Boy ; Kayden Stephenson Where stories live. Discover now