t w e n t y - f o u r

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I walk into to the lounge and see Kayden holding his chest.

"Kayden? Kayden are you okay?" He then falls back onto the sofa unconscious.

"Oh my god! Kayden! Kayden Joshua Stephenson wake up!"

I feel tears streaming down my eyes. I run out the lounge but can barely see trying to find someone and bump into someone.

"Summer! Summer calm down what's wrong?" Cameron says with his hands on my shoulders.

"It's it's Ka-Ka-Kayden.. He he passed out!" I say studdering pulling Cam into the lounge.

"Oh my god. Call 9-1-1 right now I'll get him and take him to the lobby!"

I get out my phone and dial 9-1-1 with my hands shaking.

"Yes this is 9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"My-my boyfriend he.. I don't think he took his breathing treatments in a while. He has cystic fibrosis and he just passed out" I said jumbling my words together.

"Yes, this is 9-1-1, what's your emergency?"


"Ok ma'am, I'm gonna send someone right away, what is the address?"

I told her the address and hung up the phone still crying my eyes out.

"They're coming" I managed to get out to Cameron.

"Okay. Go tell Bart and I'll take ride with him to the ER."

"No Cameron! I'm coming too!" I yelled.

He scratched his head and had a worried look on his face. "Okay, just go get Bart and tell him."

I didn't even say anything back I just ran to backstage, trying to make it through the fans who the boys let stay a while longer to take pictures.

"What's wrong?" The boys and fans said.

I just kept walking until I finally found Bart.

"Bart! Kayden just passed out and we called 9-1-1, they're on their way right now." I said wiping away my tears, which didn't matter since more tears were coming.

Bart just gave me a serious face and nodded understanding the situation telling me to go. I ran to the lobby to see Cameron following behind Kayden on a stretcher.

I burst into loud sobs covering my mouth falling to the ground causing Cameron to turn around and run to me.

"Shhh.. Shhh.. Everything is gonna be okay sweetie." He said picking me up. I cried into his shoulder as he got into the Emergency Van.

I looked at Kayden being checked on by the nurses.

"His heart rate is very slow." One of them said causing me to get even more worried.

As we got to the hospital Cameron and I hopped out the van and followed them as they rushed Kayden into the ER.

"I'm sorry but you can't go with them. I'll let you know when he's been checked out and everything is fine."

"Let me fucking go back th-" Cameron put his hand over my mouth and told the doctor "Ok, thank you." As the doctor gave me a look.

I shot them a bird and Cameron pulled me into a chair.

"He's gonna be okay. I promise."

I took deep breaths trying to calm down. I laid my head on Cameron's chest.

"I just worry too much. I love him and I care."

I felt Cameron tense up.

"I know.. You love him. You just have to let God handled this. Ok?" He said rubbing my back.

I took a deep breath. "Ok."

"I need to tell his mom." I said reaching into my back pocket looking for my phone.

"Shit.. Shit.. Do you have your phone? I left mine."

"Yes, I do have my phone but you don't need to call and worry his mom at this time, they are probably going to sleep right now babe. Just relax."

"Ok well atleast tell the guys and Mahogany.. Please?"

He nodded and gave me a reassuring smile grabbing his phone.

We waited 30 minutes until all the others got here, including Bart.

Mahogany came and gave me a hug sitting beside me. Everyone looked worried.

Taylor was rubbing his hands. Nash biting his nails. Matthew rubbing the back of his neck staring at the ground. All the others doing one of the same.

The doctor finally walked up.

"Family for Mr. Stephenson?" He said looking at us. Everyone starred at me and Cameron nodded for me to go.

"Yes?" I said walking to the doctor.

"Well right now we have him in there and the nurses are checking up on him but you are welcome to go see him in room 307."

"Thank you." I said walking down the hall trying to fix my hair. I probably look like a mess right now, my make up is probably running all down my face.

I walk into a tiny room which has Kayden with IV's hooked in him.

A middle aged women looked over to me without saying anything as she continued to check on him. I looked as his heart race was getting slower and slower.

"Uh, should it be doing that?" I say pointing to his heart monitor which was beeping.

"Um, no actually." The nurse said looking at it then checking his wrist for his pulse again.

"Oh no." The nurse said.

"What?" I said hopping up out of my chair. Then his heart monitor started beeping very loudly then went straight. It flat lined.

"Doctor!" The nurse said opening the curtain and the doctor rushed in.

"His heart rate has stopped."

In that moment, my heart sunk all the way down to the ground.

"NO! NO! PLEASE NO! DON'T SAY THAT!" I screamed with tears now streaming down my face.

"We're gonna try everything we can do! Please calm down ma'am!" The doctor said as his words slowly faded out.

All I could see was white.


Short but scary. Gonna post again 🔜
though. Sorry you had to wait a long time for this chapter. Anyways, I'm still happy af bc Kayden replied to me❤ He is the loml {love of my life} anyway I've already blabbed about that. Ily guys! 💋 Comment and like bc that makes me update faster.. *hint hint* just saying.

{5 AM - still up checking Wattpad... 4K WHAAAAT??? Thenks babes ily}

The New Boy ; Kayden Stephenson Where stories live. Discover now