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(Summer's POV)
I wake in the middle of the night to hear someone throwing up, I look over and Emily wasn't in bed so I figured I better go check on her. I get up and knock on the bathroom door. "Emily, are you okay?" I ask. I hear more throwing up then she says "Yeah, I'm fine.. Uh don't think I'm gonna go to school, I think I have a virus." I guess I better text Kayden in the morning and ask if he can pick me up.. "Okay, do you need anything? I'll just text Kayden in the morning and ask if he'll pick me up." I say while opening the door. "No I'm good, I'll be back in bed in a few. If Kayden can't pick you up I can still drive you." She says while wiping her mouth with a rag. "No, I'm sure he can pick me up, you just get some sleep." I say. Emily gets up and gets in her bed. I look at my phone and it was 2:47 so I get back into bed, and try to go back to sleep. When I wake up I quickly turn the alarm off so it doesn't wake up Emily. I go down stairs to tell mom about her, "Emily was throwing up in the middle of the night so she's not going to school. I'm gonna text Kayden and ask if he can pick me up, I have cheer practice so he'll get out of detention around the same time I get out of cheer." I say in a morning voice. "Okay, if he can't I'll do it. Go get ready." Mom says. I walk back upstairs and text Kayden "Hey, Emily is sick so she's not going to school today.. Can you pick me up and bring me back home?" Kayden replies back quickly with a "Yeah of course! Anything for you, I'll pick you up tomorrow too👏" I send him "Okay, thanks👌😊 I'll be ready by 7:30." I then turn my shower on and wash everything and get out and blow dry and straighten my long blonde hair. I put my makeup on and try to decide what to wear.. I narrow it down to a black beanie, skinny jeans, a crop-top and converse, or a more girly look with some coral shorts and a white blouse and sandals {Pictured} . I go with the more girly look and decide to wear the other tomorrow. I go downstairs and see that Kayden is already here. "Bye, love you be careful!" Mom says. "Okay, love you too. Bye." I say as I walk out the door and hop in. For some reason Kayden couldn't stop smiling. "What?" I ask. "Nothingg.." He says turning down the radio. I just look at him confused. As we pull into school I see cheerleaders tossed into the air pointing up to a sign saying D-A-N-C-E?
On the top windows of the school. "Will you go to the dance with me?" Kayden ask. "Oh my gosh yes haha!" I give him a hug. "It feels like you just asked me to prom." I say still hugging him. "Well I may have went a little over the top. Just wait until prom!" He says. I give him a kiss and we hold hands and start walking into school. I see Drew and Ashley in the corner of the outside of school making out.. She was on top of him. I look at Kayden and we both make a face. "Watch this.." Kayden says as he walks up to the principal. "Um, Sir.. Drew Sterling and Ashley Cooper are in the corner over there, making out. I just wanted to tell you." The principal walks over and yells at them and takes them to his office and calls their parents. Wow.. I give Kayden a high five and hug him and walk to class. I sit down and then Ashley walks in with a pissed off look on her face. "So someone snitched on me and Drew making out I see.. I wonder who?" She says and looks right at me with a dirty look. Oh shit.. Now she's gonna get me at practice. Ugh!... "Pop quiz! Get out a sheet of paper you guys." The teacher says. I've been so busy with cheer and Kayden and everything I haven't studied anything or really paid that much attention. I hope I don't fail. I get out a piece of paper and pencil and try my best ,but I don't remember all of it. We all hand in our papers and she tells us we can talk until she finishes grading them. "Ready for cheer practice? Don't worry, you're really light. I won't drop you" Ashley says winking at me. "Haha.. I know you won't. You better not." I say trying to act as if Im not freaked out because I know what her plan is.. "Okay, grades are back!" The teacher says passing them out. I get mine back and I made an 82.. Phew. I thought I was gonna fail. Finally class is over and it's time for lunch and I find Kayden and we sit together. "How was class?" He ask me. "Okay... I think Ashley is pissed so now her plan is to drop me when we get to practice but other than that.. It was okay, We had a pop quiz I made an 82.. " I tell him. "Well Drew is suspended because he cussed out the teacher and tried to punch the principal." Kayden says smiling. "Yessss." I say. "You wanna go to the beach after I pick you up?" Kayden says. "Yeah! I love the beach, you'll have to take me home to get my bikini and ask my mom though?" I say. "Okay, Sounds like a date!" Kayden says as he winks at me. Before I know it lunch is over and all the classes fly by. Now it's time for cheer practice.. I just hope it goes good. "Basket tosses. Get em up high. I want to see scissor kicks." Coach tells us. "Okay so just warm up a normal for now?" I tell my stunt group. "Sure." Ashley says. I try not to think about maybe dying because she steps out and doesn't catch me ,but ya know whatever.. "One two down up!" The coach yells and they toss me into the hair and I look up into the sky, And wait for my bases to catch me. Luckily they did. "Okay, now scissor kicks.." Coach says (A scissor kick is when the flyer kicks one leg up and then the other while doing a 360 twist.) they toss me up and I feel like it's higher than ever. I kick my left leg then my right and they catch me. "Good! Now switch ups to a heel stretch." Says the coach. Oh gosh. This is where she can drop me.. "5678, 1, 2!" They lift me up and right as Im pulling my heel stretch I feel Ashley's side come down. She drops me and I hit the floor hard on my arm. "Oww!!!" I scream. It wasn't my arm that hurt it was my head. I had a major headache now.. It jarred my head back when I hit the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Ashley says playing it off as if she didn't mean to drop me. "I thought I was light." I say as I glare at her. The coach tells me to take a break and just watch the rest of practice. Ashley knows if I can't fly she'll go in. But I won't let that happen, she's not taking my place, luckily the coach told my whole stunt group to just take a break. Then it was time to go. I walked out to see Kayden no where. What the hell? I look around and then he runs up and sweeps me off my feet and carries me to his vehicle. Ashley stared. "You scared me!" I say as I look at him laughing. "Oops" he says as we pull off. When we get to my house I tell him he can come in too. "Hey, is it okay if I go to the beach with Kayden for a few hours?" I ask my mom. My dad was at work so she didn't care. "As long as you don't do anything.." She says. "We won't" Kayden says smiling. "Okay Im going to get my stuff!" I run up stairs and change into my black strapless top with fringes on it and black cheeky bottoms and a cover up. "I'm ready" I say as I walk downstairs. Emily comes down stairs and sits at the bar. "Have fun." Emily says. "Not too much fun! Be careful." My mom says. Then we walk out and Kayden runs to his house to get some swim shorts on. We decide to walk to the beach. There wasn't that many people there ,except for a family and a few guys. "Ow! This sand is hot!" I say. "Well get on my shoulders!" Kayden demands me to then picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. Then he starts running to the water. "Ahhh! Kayden!!" I scream. He keeps running around and laughing. Then he stops because he's tired and gives me his hands and helps me down. I get down and run into the water enough to get a little wet. Then we both walk up a little to the dry sand and sit down. *Whistle* some random guy whistles at me. "Hottie, why don't you come here and give me some of that ass!" The guy yells. "Hey man, back the fuck off!" Kayden says. "Chill dude!" He says. I help Kayden out a little by sitting on his lap and taking my hands and putting them on his face and making out with him. Kayden puts his hands on my waist and I wrap my legs around him. "Do you mind?" A woman who looks like shes in her late thirties says pointing to her kids. We stop. I didn't think we'd get that carried away. Me and Kayden just both laugh. "Can't get me now!" I say as I run away. "I'm gonna get you!" Kayden yells as he chases after me. I look back and see him getting closer and closer and he tackles me down to the ground and is on top of me. We're out of distance now, and no one can see us. We laugh and Kayden stairs into my eyes. "I gotta headache!" I say laughing, Kayden laughs and kisses my forehead and helps me up. We hold hands as we walk back to where our towels are. We both lay down and cuddle. "Summer?" He says. "Yeah?" I ask. "Can't I tell you something.." He says in like a nervous voice.
"Of course. What is it?" I tell him.
"Um... I love you." He says blushing. I smile and say "I love you too." We both get up and walk back to his vehicle. When he turns up the the radio and Black Widow by Iggy comes on. I sing along. "I'm gonna love ya... Like a black widow baby!"
"So you can sing!" He says.
"No... No. I can't sing, what are you talking about?!?" I say. "You're crazy." He says. Then we pull up to my house and we hug and I tell him bye. I walk into my house, "How was your beach date?" My mom says. "It was good." I say as I go up to my room. I take a nice warm shower to get the sand out of my hair and stuff and then I hear someone come in the bathroom. "Emily?" I say as I peep my head out. "No, I thought maybe she was in here, where is she? Do you know?" It was my mom. "No, I haven't seen her since earlier." I say. "Well when you get out try calling her and texting her." She says. I shut the shower curtain and finish. When I get out I braid my hair and put some VS Jogging pants on and a tank. I sit on my bed and plug my phone in. *Ring, Ring, Ring* Your call has been directed to an automatic voicemail. I try one more time. Still no answer, so I try texting her. "Hey, just wondering where you're at.. Everybody is worried, ya know since you're sick and all. Well just please call me or text back. Love you" I wait for 20 minutes and still no answer so I decide to call Kayden, he actually answers surprisingly "Hello?" He says. "Hey, it's summer" I say
"Oh hey babe, what's wrong?" Kayden says. "Well Emily isn't here and she has been sick throwing up all day and we're worried, and I was just wondering if you have seen her?" I ask. "No, I haven't seen her.. But Im sorry to hear that. If I see her I will call you. Hopefully she'll turn up in the morning boo." He says in his sleepy voice. Ugh, boys sleepy voices are so sexy. "Alright, well thanks. I'll text you in the morning and let you know if she's came or not." I say. "Okay, bye babe. I love you to the moon and back!" He says. Aww... "I love you more." I say. "No way! Bye bae"
He says. "Bye bae. Mwuahhh!" I say and we both hang up. I hope Emily's okay.. I dose off to sleep.. A few hours later I wake up to hear my phone ring. "Heh-hello?" I say still half asleep. "Hey.. It's Emily.."
Okay guys haha that was chapter 4.. I hate to leave you guys like that! Wheres Emily? Is she okay? Comment what you think happened! Like and comment please! Thanks! 💋✌ bye!

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