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(Summer's POV)

"Emily? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just wanted to call and tell you Im at this sick party at Carlos's house." She sounded drunk.

"So Im guessing you're not sick?"

"I forgot to tell you that I just used that card to stay home from school. I snuck out while you were at the beach. I saw you and Kayden."

"Wow. I actually was worried.. What kind of friend is that? To lie and say they're sick and then go off and get drunk at some party and have everybody worried? You know what, have fun." I hang up.

How could she do that? You know I'm getting really tired of her. I'm just gonna try to go back to sleep and forget about her. I slowly fall back asleep. I get a few hours in then my alarm is already going off for school.

I get up and take hot shower, trying to help my stress go away. I go ahead and put on what I had picked out to wear today and do my makeup. My stomach is growling so I go downstairs to eat breakfast, "Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit? Plus coffee?" Mom asks.

"You got it! Hey, you know Emily called me in the middle of the night just to tell me she was at her boyfriend Carlos's house at a sick party. She said she forgot to tell me she was just using the "sick card" to get out of school. I'm really getting tired of her, I told her to have fun and I hung up."

"Well you know what? She broke 2 of the rules in this house. One, don't lie. Two, don't sneak out. So, she doesn't need to leave here anymore. If she calls you tell her to get her stuff out. I'm done with all of this, it's happened way too much. And she even gets you in trouble!"

"Okay.. She doesn't have anywhere else to go... But she needs to learn her lesson I guess.."

Then a text on my phone pops up

"I'm here, bae!👏" From Kayden.

"Kayden's here, bye. Love you!"

"Love you too."

I get in Kayden's SUV, "Hey gorgeous" he says.

"Hey hottie" I say as I lean over and give him a kiss.

"I'm pretty sure your mom saw that. She was looking through the window waving bye.." He says looking at me with big eyes.

"Who cares? She can't do anything. You're my boyfriend, right?" I say.

"Right! And you're MY girlfriend."

He says pulling off. He turns up the radio and we both sing along to the songs. We pull into the school, park in the usual spot, walk in holding hands.. Everybody is staring at us and looking at their phones whispering. "Wow. So you can give him some ,but not me?" Drew comes up. "What are you talking about?" I say. He turns his phone around and theres a picture of me and Kayden on the beach, making out. I just stand there frozen. "How the hell did you get that?!?" Kayden ask Drew. "Somebody sent it out to everybody in the school?" He says laughing. "There was nobody on the beach.. But that family and....-" Kayden stops "Those dudes.. You must've been with them!"

"Look man, I didn't do this.." Drew says with his hands raised up in the air like a police told him to put his hands up. I try to think who would've done this.. It wouldn't be that family.. And it wasn't the dudes.. Wait. "First of all, Kayden didn't "get some" it's called kissing. And I know who did this." I say. "Who?" Kayden asks. "Look it's a long story. I'll explain later." I pause to think "We can hangout at my house after school, my mom and dad have to go to this thingy.. So we'll be able to talk."

"Yeah so you can get it on" Drew says. Kayden flips Drew off and takes my hand and we walk away. "I'll see you after class." Kayden says as he walks away. I walk into class and of course everybody is staring at me. Ashley gets to pass out these little news paper things to all the classes on some days and today was one of the days she did. "That was a good picture of you and Kayden!" She says while laughing. That bitch...

The New Boy ; Kayden Stephenson Where stories live. Discover now