t w e n t y - t h r e e

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{Kayden's POV}

"Kayden I feel like I'm gonna-"

Suddenly Summer passes out. I bend down to her with all the fans screaming "oh my god, is she okay?"

"Summer.. Summer come on babe wake up!" I shake her. She doesn't wake up, I pick her up and carry her backstage as security follows. I sit her down on a couch then Bart comes in.

"What happened here?"

"I don't know, she was feeling sick with a headache and then all the sudden she just passes out."

"Well get back out there, you need to meet fans, I'll call a doctor and get security to stay with her."

"No Bart. I'm not leaving her." I say sitting down beside her.

He shoots me a look then walks away.

"I really hope you're okay. I'm sorry about all the things that have happened lately. I'm probably wasting my breath right now because your probably can't hear me, but I still care about you. I want to be with you. I love you."

She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me.

"What happened?" She says with a raspy voice.

"You passed out. Here-" I grab my water "drink some my water, you might have gotten dehydrated."

She sits up and grabs the bottle.

"How long have I been passed out?"

"Around ten minutes.. Maybe 15."

"And you were here the whole time? I need to go meet more fans. I gotta go."
She says trying to get up but I take her hand.

"No.. Not until I know you're okay."

"Kayden I'm fine. I don't want to disappoint or worry them."

"But-... Fine. If you start to feel sick again you better let me know." I say helping her stand up. I start to walk away slowly to make sure she can walk but she takes hold of my hand and looks me in the eyes.

"I heard what you said." She then pulls me out from backstage and the whole crowd of girls scream.

{Summer's POV}

I take Kayden's hand and pull him out in the crowd. As we walk by I hear a lot of different things.

"Yay! You're okay!"

"Stupid bitch should still be passed out."

"You can tell she doesn't like him, she's just in it for the publicity and money. She should've got sick and went back to whoreville."

"Awh I ship Kammer so much! I'm glad she's okay."

The thoughts just sink deep down into my brain into the file of 'Get to me later'.

By time we get back to our station they announce for us to go backstage and wait for our turns on stage to perform. Shawn and I are the third people to go on; Jack and Jack first, Taylor second, and us, then Kayden and everybody else will go on and perform, well more like just act crazy.

I step to the side of the stage to watch jack & jack as I feel someone come up behind me.

"Are you okay?" I turn around to see Cameron.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just got a little too much I think."

"Well I'm glad you're okay. I got really worried." He smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks for caring Cam."

I look over to see Jack G. Looking at someone in the crowd. "Before we start singing, I'd like to dedicate this song to the beautiful girl I see in the crowd right now."

Mahogany turns the spotlight into a blonde haired girl with freckles.

"What's your name babe?" He ask.

The girl covers her mouth and then looks up. "My name is Heidi."

Then Jack G. winks at her and then signals M-lox to start their music, then they begin singing "Like That". I sway with the music and jam out then Taylor goes on with Dillon and sings Like Whoo.
During Taylor and Dillon's part Shawn comes up to me and says
"My girlfriend, Sarah came today, she lives here in LA and I don't get to see her much. I got her last minute tickets but I want you to act like I lost my voice and can't sing, and I'm gonna come out and surprise her."

"Awh! Little Shawny that is so sweet! What do you want me to start off singing?"

"Well I was thinking you could start off that song 'Feeling myself' and then I could kind of follow in?" He says laughing.

"Shawn Mendes did not just say that! That's a bad song eww."

"Sorry, I get weird when I'm nervous. I think I'll just sing, Life of the Party? Think she'll like it?"

"Shawn of course she will." I say smiling.

Next they call for us and I walk onto stage and to the Mic.

"Hey guys!" I say and everyone screams.

"I have some bad news... Shawn is really sick, and he lost his voice, and he can't sing" I make a sad face. "So you're just gonna be listening to this loser right here! But Shawn told me to tell each and every one of you that he wishes he could be here right now and he loves you." I look straight at Sarah who I had only seen in pictures and texted before. She looked down and started rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry guys. For Shawn, I'm gonna sing life of the party." I look at Mahogany so she knows to start the music.

"I love it when you just don't care
I love it when you dance like there's nobody there
So when it gets hard, don't be afraid
We don't care what them people say
I love it when you don't take no
I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so
Let them all go home, we out late
We don't care what them people say"

I sing and then turn to Shawn as he walked out on the stage as Nash throws him a mic.

"We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party"

I join in with him as Sarah starts crying with joy. We finish the song out and I go back behind stage to get water and sit down for a minute because my head hurts like hell again and I walk in the lounge to see....


BORING CHAPTER! Sorry just wanted to update for you loves! Go checkout my other story, California Girls (Cameron Dallas & Jack Gilinsky fanfic) because I'll PROB update tomorrow! Btw, it's mostly about Cameron, but my friend goes out with Jack so yah! But anyway I love you all thanks for everything! Be sure to comment #TeamKayden or #TeamCameron!

The New Boy ; Kayden Stephenson Where stories live. Discover now