I Could Care Less: 2

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      The bell rang, signaling for us to go on out lunch break. All of my classes are boring and uncomfortable. Everyone kept staring at me. I didn't feel like eating so I just walked straight to the bathroom. No one was in here. Just me, alone. Leaning against the wall, I slumped down and hugged my knees to my chest. Tears flowed down my face. Why does my life have to be like this? Why is everything so dull, why am I so alone? Maybe it's better this way. I deserve to be alone. I deserve this pain. But fuck, I feel so empty. It seems that's the only feeling I am familiar with. Emptiness, hallow. The only thing I truly  feel besides that is anger. That's better than the empty feeling in my chest. But because if those two feelings, I've lost everyone. I'll possibly lose my only best friend soon, it's just a matter of time. Maybe even my grandmother. But what should I have expected? I'm a monster. A firework ready to explode. A bomb. A gun. Anything can trigger me, and there's nothing I can do about that. My body trembled as I sobbed. Why can't I just end it all? I'll do everyone a favor if I'm gone. Suddenly, the door burst open. My sobbings ceased but I didn't look up. 

"You should be using the girls bathroom since you look like a fucking girl." That voice. It's the bully from earlier. I peeked up and noticed the boy, Jimin, was on the floor trying to get away from the bullies. "Haha look at the little bitch. Looks like he wants to cry. Oh, I mean she." My blood boiled. How could he just sit there and let them treat him that way? His body shook and I could hear his breathing increase. Is he angry? Will he finally do something? "Why don't you go back to Asia. You don't belong here." The bully kicked Jimin and he whimpered. "P-please. L-leave me alone," he started to sob loudly. I thought he was angry? His cries made my heart clench. Why do I feel like this? I've made many people cry. Jimin curled into a ball, trembling uncontrollably and covering his ears as they called him so many horrible names. "Fag!" I snapped. Before I could think, my body shot up as I rushed towards the bully. "Oh, look. It's the new girl." My fist crashed into his sick smirk. Anger coursed through my entire body like the blood that runs through my veins. Anger is my blood, this is who I am. It's what pumps into my heart to keep me alive, it's all I know. My blood fueled with fire as I continued to punch him, hoping his pain will lessen my anger. He fell to the floor and I kicked him just like he kicked Jimin. Lost in the moment, I hovered over him and continued my assault on his stupid face. 

"Who the fuck are you to bully an innocent boy! You're a fucking asshole that doesn't deserve to live! I'll kill you-" as I saw his bloody, bruised face through my blurry eyes, I was encouraged to hurt him more, to kill him. I don't know why but I did. But then I felt a warm gentle hand land on my shoulder. I froze. That one gentle touch warmed my whole body. For some reason, I wasn't as angry as I was a few seconds ago. 

"P-please stop." His voice was so soft. Chills ran down my  spine at the sound of his voice. It was like silk. My body responded to him without my consent. I got off the boy and stepped away. Him and his friends ran off. I snapped out of my daze at the sound of the door closing and turned towards him. 

"Are you okay, Park Jimin?" Why do I care? His eyes casted down as he nodded. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You need to learn how to defend yourself? You're not that small, why are you being so fucking weak?! You're literally such a pathetic person. Why do I even waste my time on you." I felt angry all over again. Confusion struck me as I saw him fall to his knees and sob loudly while repeating 'useless' and 'weak.' I didn't understand what was wrong with him. He started to pull on his hair as his voice grew louder. "Hey! What's wrong with you?" His veins popped out of his neck as he yelled out those two words. What the hell is going on? The door bursts open as security guards grabbed Jimin and carefully lead him out. A guard grabbed my arm and lead me somewhere. I ripped my arm from his grip. "Don't. Touch. Me," I gritted through my teeth. Jimin and I were lead into the counseling office. I sat outside Young's office waiting for JImin to come out. After ten minutes, she came out and invited me into her office. 

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