Chapter Twelve Mutual Understanding

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This was going to be an interesting weekend. My mom looked at my dad for help and he threw his hands up in the air. He was not pleased to see her here anymore than I was and that made me proud and gave me confidence. The only time she ever showed up was because she wanted something or to disrupt our lives.

“Nathan will you give us some privacy please this is a family matter.” My dad spoke calmly to him. I hadn’t taken my eyes off my mother. When he addressed Nathan she gave off one of those disapproving looks. I felt the heat of my resentment rush to the surface and I took a step forward.

“No, you don’t get to give us those looks, you abandoned us.” I yelled at her and she took a step back surprised at my aggression. I never showed it before I held it in, plus her expression changed to a ‘what did I do’ look, she was an infuriating woman. Nathan hesitated, looking back and forth between my father and me.

“Now Nathan.” My dad ordered firmly. I turned around to nod letting him know it was okay and he seemed to accept that and left, we all listened to his retreating footsteps up the stairs before continuing.

“Dawn as I am sure you have guessed things with Nathan’s family situation have become very strained.” My father began.

“What’s that got to do with her?” I snapped viciously jerking a thumb in my mom’s direction.

“We think it would be a good idea if you stayed with me for the holidays so your father and Nathan can work things out with them.” My mother spoke up.

“You not we.” My dad corrected her and I held back a smirk of pride.

“If we both don’t agree Greg this won’t work.” She snapped back at him.

My father just let out an exasperated sigh and my eyes widened and fear set in. My first thought was ‘no you can’t take me away from him’ which had me hesitating to respond at first because of my own surprise at the thought. Besides the fact that I was not going to just up and go anywhere with my mom.

“I am not going anywhere with you.” I spat out. I was proud of myself and grateful for Nathan’s influence on my bad side, it was teaching me to stick up for myself.

“I told you she would refuse.” My dad spoke to my mom, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well she can’t stay here not with that boy right next to her room.” She threw her hands up now turning on my dad, as if she really cared. Really now she wanted to try and be a parent.

“You come and go as you please when it’s convenient for you, you’re no mother and I am staying right here.” I said with bile and finality in my voice.

“No you’re not.”

“Bitch.” I rounded on her.

“See that boy is a bad influence on her.” She yelled at my father.

“Don’t you yell at him you have no right to come in here and try and act like a parent.” I screamed and picked up her stupid Prada purse and dumped its contents and the bag into the washer and turned it on.

“You little insolent freak.” She yelled lunging for me; my dad grabbed my mom’s arm to stop her as she lifted it to slap me. She cared more about her purse than how she has hurt and abandoned me and treated me as anything but her daughter.

“Don’t you dare touch her and I will not force her to do anything she doesn’t want to.” I stuck my chin out with a triumphant smile. My dad was not going to make me go anywhere with her. He was just as bitter about the way she left things with him as well as with me. She will probably hang around for a week trying to convince us though.

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