Chapter ThirtyFive Birthday's

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“Nathan calm down,” my head turned slightly to the side throbbing so hard, like hammer’s drilling a thousand nails in at once. I couldn’t see. What was wrong with my eyes? I tried to open one, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Why isn’t she waking up?” that voice was familiar, it was that of my love.


“The doctors have done everything, she’s stable, be patient,” the voices were both annoyed though, tired and worried. My mouth wouldn’t move so I could tell them I was here.

Even though I was already blind since my eyes wouldn’t open another type of darkness came and their voices began to fade out….




Jogged back into some consciousness I heard some shuffling. My arm was being moved around. That heaviness to my eyes still burdened me, keeping me blind until it decided it was okay for me to open them. I felt fingers in my other hand squeeze lightly.


“Please come back to me Dawn,” a pleading soft voice said. It was my Nathan. I thought ‘I’m here Nathan’ but my voice wouldn’t cooperate with my mind. I couldn’t even feel my mouth that was strange.

“Is she okay?”

“She is fine; she will need physical therapy for the leg though, and will limp for awhile. Everything else will heal while she is here,” an unknown voice said.


I assumed it was a nurse.

She left after a few more minutes. Softly Nathan began to sing. I knew that song. It was our song. Wonderful Tonight, his humming was soothing. I wanted to smile. But my mind succumbed to that darkness again. Damn it.




“He’s in jail then, what are the charges?”

“Attempted murder, kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of illegal firearms and substances, he’s going away for life Nathan,” hey, that was my dad and he sounded confident.

I felt my eyelids flutter but they still wouldn’t open. That heaviness keeping me locked in a bubble away from my loved ones.


What was that annoying sound? I heard it whenever I faded in and out.

“Why did you do it?” Nathan asked, oh this sounds like it would be interesting. If only I could keep myself awake a little longer.

I felt a finger stroke my cheek, oh that felt good.

“We were just trying to get him to confess to beating on you, he saw the note I left that the police found on the floor of Nancy’s apartment with her address on it. He must have realized it and pretended to cooperate looking for a chance to disappear. We thought we had just scared him off so didn’t think anything of it at first until Nancy noticed the note was gone and his docile demeanor before he left she put two and two together,”

I remembered something about a note but couldn’t place it completely, just wild crazy eyes.

“What about R…,” I didn’t hear the rest though.




My eyes squeezed tighter shut; a soft light was burning into them slightly even through the eyelids and it made my forehead throb.

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