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I come out in a pair of jeans and a cropped shirt saying cute but psycho. I see a bag of gummy bags at my door with a rose. I pick it up and place the Rose on my bed. "You Ready?" Logan asks. "Nope" I say. "That's a first" Logan says. The boys all come out of Logan's room. "Can we take Kong?" I ask putting my red SnapBack on my head. "Yes we're taking Kong" Logan says. I pick him up. I look at the boys. Jonah winks. "Why you winking at Mills?" Logan asks. We both shrug. "No no no" he says.

We all drive in an van. Uber thing. We're at a red light. I open the window an see Harvey and Macy outside McDonalds with drinks. "Hey Harvey!" I call. "Are you McLovin' it!" I yell and do up the window and we drive. "What?" I ask innocently. They laugh. We continue driving as I pet Kong. Jonah leans foreword. "Did you get the gummy bears?" He whispers. "Thanks" I whisper back. "The Rose is almost as beautiful as you" he whispers. "Stop flirting with my cousin" Logan says. "She's cute though" Jonah says. I do a double chin and cross my eyes. "You sure?" I ask. "Never been as Sure in my life" he says. "Damn, your good" Logan says. "Look at you blushing" Logan says teasingly.

I walk into the studio and see Jake. "Jakey!" I yell. He turns around. "Milly!" He yells back. "You might want this" I say giving him his cap. "Thank you" he says taking it. "It's a family reunion" Tony says from the stairs. "Photo time" Jake says. Logan and Jake pose infront of the vlog camera and I jump into the air. "Great" Jake says. "Erika and I are taking photos first" Jake says. "Cool" I say. Erika comes out and stands by Jake. "Looking good" Logan says. "You and Jake are taking photos next" Erika tells me. "Cool" I say again.

I sit beside Jack and Daniel. "Amelia, get your ass in that changing room!" Jake yells. "Calm down!" I yell back. I get up. "I guess I'll see you in a sec" I say walking into the changing room. I come out my hair parted to the side and two small braids on the side of my head. I'm wearing a pair of red high top converse, black ripped skinny jeans, a black midriff shirt with Jakes signature on the side with a leather Jacket. "Sexy!" Logan calls as I walk out making me nervous. "Shut it" I say to him. "He's not wrong" Jonah says. I feel myself blushing. "Aww she's blushing" Jake says. "I will kill you" I say. "You look gorgeous" Erika says. "She's not wrong either" Jonah pipes in. "He's cute" Erika says. "Yep" I reply. "Who is cute?" Jake asks overhearing. "Jonah" Erika says. "I'm going back to Hawaii" I mumble. They all laugh.

I jump on Jakes shoulders as they take the photo. I sit down I look up as Jake jumps over my head. He sits down and looks up as I do the splits over him. We do a couple more shoots. "That was great" the photographer says. We walk off. "So I'm cute?" Jonah questions. "Your not to bad to look at" I say back. "That Rose was pretty sweet though" I say. "Thanks" I add on. "No problem" Jonah says. "So when are you flying to New York?" I ask. "Next week" He tells me. "Is Logan going with you?" I ask. "Yes He is" He says.

"Work it gurl" Kade tells Jake. "Yes honey work it" Anthony says. I laugh watching Jake. I decide to get a small video to put on my Instagram story. "Spoilers" Daniel exclaims. "What?" I ask. "Your story, spoilers" He says. "Well I posted it so to late" I say. "Nooooooo" Daniel says falling to his knees. "Should I post this too?" I ask Jokingly. "No thanks" he says. "I did even record anything" I say showing him my phone. "Ok we're done" Jake yells. "What the hell happened?" I ask seeing them handcuffed together. "Get her!" Logan yells. I run up the stairs as him and Jake chase me with handcuffs. "You had the key!" Erika yells. "Yep" Jake says. "No" I squeal when Logan gets me. "And we're stuck" Jake says. "Your torturing me, that's illegal!" I yell. "Were not that bad" Logan says. I stare at him. I see the key in Jakes pocket.

"We're taking photos like this" Jake says. "Let me go" I complain. I look over and see chad complaining about his wrist. I lead the boys over. "Here chad" I say giving him the key. "Tank you" he says undoing the handcuff. "I'll need it once I'm done with these two" I say. "Photo time" they both exclaim. "Ow" I yell as I'm pulled to the screen. I sit down on the ground my legs coming up to my chest. "Smile" the photographer says. I look up at Jake. "Now look at Logan" he instructs me. We take a couple more photos. "My shirts gonna fall down" I say. "It's fine" The photographer says. I took my eyes and do a handstand one arm on Jakes shoulder and one on Logan's. "Done" the photographer says.

We look at the photos of me Logan and Jake. "You got your belly button pierced?" Jake and Logan exclaim. "I don't know what your talking about" I say stepping back. "Let me see" Anthony says. I lift up my shirt revealing a small blue stud. "Cool" he says. "When?!" They ask. "When Jake had meetings and Logan was doing some event" I say. "Two or three days ago" I say. "Next you'll be getting tattoos" Jake mumbles. "At least if I do get tattoos I won't get a giant gun on my leg" I say. "Well we're going Bye" Jake says dragging team10 to the exits I wave as they leave

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