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I drag my suitcase into the car. Harvey helps me. "I'm so excited" I say smiling and jumping up and down. "I can tell" he says laughing. I continue to dance around in the car as we drive to the airport. I FaceTime Logan. "Hey Logey!" I say excitedly. "Your happy aren't you" he says. "Yeah we're pulling up to airport now" I say switching the camera around. I see Corbyn, Jack, Daniel and Zach's faces show up. "Woo!" They all cheer. "I'll see you guys soon, bye!" I exclaim. "See ya!" They all yell. We hang up and Harvey and I unload our luggage.

I watch as the plane lands I get a video on my Instagram story. New York Baby. "Hello New York!" I yell walking out of the plane. I hear Logan laughing from the tarmac and Harvey from behind me. I hug Logan. "How was your flight?" He asks. "Good" I say. "She slept most of the time" Harvey says. "Of course" Logan says laughing. I stare out the window at all the crowds and signs. It's amazing. "She can barley contain her excitement" Logan says laughing. "I'm in New York for the BMA's What did you expect" I say.

I spend an hour in my hotel room unpacking and changing.

Logan went to the boys

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Logan went to the boys. Harvey comes into my room. "Let's go" he says. "Damn" Harvey says. "Well Logan gave me the address we just need to go down the street" I tell him. "Lets go!" He exclaims. We walk down the street and see the most amazing signs and buildings. "It's so cool" I say. "Yeah" Harvey says. We walk down to a less crowded street and I see Logan. "Logan!" I call. He looks over. "Looking Good!" He calls back. "Aren't I always" I say coming up to them

I see the the boys come up. Except for Jonah. "Where's Jonah?" I ask. They all shrug. "He went to get ice cream or something" Logan says. They all look away. I see Jonah come around behind the boys with a girl. He's smiling at her as he kisses the side of her head, his arm around her waist. Everyone looks behind them and they all see what I just saw. My heart shatters in my chest. "I-I left my phone in the hotel" I stutter. I hide the tears. "I-I'll see you guys l-later" I say. I speedily walk off ignoring everyone calling behind me.

I see Logan catch up to me he doesn't have his camera on. "Hey wait" he says. "What?" I ask. Walking into the hotel lobby. "He's an idiot, ignore him" Logan tells me. "Easier said than done" I say. "You go have fun with the boys, I'll see you later" I say. I run into the elevator before Logan can. I see him crouching on the ground as he looks at me. The door close, I'm alone in this elevator. I let the tears flow. I unlock my door and slam it behind me. Sliding down the wall I sit there crying.

I come out of the bathroom holding my stomach. I see Harvey standing there worried. "Did you?" He asks. "Yeah, I was sick" I say before he can say anything else. "Please let me take you to the doctor" he says. "Fine" I say. I get into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and follow Harvey out. I see the boys down the street. Jonah's there but that other girl is no where to be seen. I immediately turn my back away and get into my rental car. "You ok?" Harvey asks driving. "Yeah" I mumble looking out of the window in a daze.

I walk out of the doctors office with Harvey behind me. "We have to wait until tomorrow morning" I say. "It's sucks" Harvey says. "What if it came back?" I ask.
I sit in the hospital room with needles stuck in my arm giving me chemo through the small tube. My hair is weakening soon to be gone. I watch as the day passes by. I see children laughing and smiling as the play in the park and climb trees. Meanwhile I sit here in a small white boring hospital room slowly dying. Fun.
~FlashBack Over~

We drive home in silence and I find Logan in my hotel room with Daniel. "Why were you at the doctors?" Logan asks. I asked Harvey to text Logan. "Doctors?" Daniel questions. I look down at the floor. "Hey what's up you can tell me" Daniel says coming closer. "Please don't tell the others" I say. I sit down. "I'll leave you" Logan says. "Call if you need anything" Harvey says following Logan out. I take a deep shaky breath.

"About a year ago I was diagnosed with stage one leukaemia" I say. Daniel looks at me a little shocked. "Cancer?" He questions in shock. I nod. "I fought it and won as you can see but there was a thirty seven percent chance it may come back" I tell him. He continues to listen to every word I say. "Long story short I'm having those symptoms again and so I went and got tests done" i I form him. "Already having had leukaemia they are rushing the tests and I will get results tomorrow on whether I have cancer again or not" I say. He hugs me.

"You want to come to dinner?" Jack asks. I told everyone I wasn't feeling well. I stand up and grab my sneakers. "Sure" I say. I follow jack down the elevator and see everyone in the lobby. "You should be in bed resting" Logan says. "I also need lots of food" I say. "Room service" Harvey says. "Amelia are you sure?" Daniel asks coming up to me. "Yeah I'll take it easy don't worry" I say. I'm doing enough worrying for all of us, trust me. The boys look a little confused. Things are tense between Jonah and I.

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