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I drag my suitcase down to the lobby with everyone else. "It feels heavier" I moan. I see Jonah wearing the hoodie I gave back to him. "So you ready?" Logan asks. "Yeah" I say. Jax has Tom left already. Logan drives as I sit in the passenger seat. Jonah is behind me and Daniel is behind Logan as Jack, Zach and Corbyn sit in the back. "So Jax" Logan questions. "Yeah what?" I ask. "I thought you wanted someone else" Logan says. "Well things change" I say sadly. "Jax is gonna help me with the chemo his mom had cancer and had the same thing" I say. "She might come as well, apparently the first time is the hardest" I say. "Even for repeated patients" I mumble.

|Jonah POV|
I listen as Amelia and Logan talk about Jax. "I thought you liked someone else" Logan says. "Well things change" She replies her tone saddening. Shit. I'm an idiot. I sit back in my chair looking out the window and ignoring everything. "Are you ok?" I hear a voice ask. Anything but. "Yeah just tired" I tell Daniel. "You can sleep on the plane, but if you snore I'm dumping water onto your head" Amelia comments. I laugh. "Like Logan did this morning?" I question. "Well I won't have a bucket so it'll be a water bottle or cup" she says smiling.

|Amelia POV|
I sit on the plane listening to my favourite songs as Jonah and Corbyn talk quietly. "You guys have never been this quiet in your life" I say. "It's true" Zach says from beside us. "I don't see any of or songs there" Zach also points out looking at my music choices. I go out of my own playlist and into one called 'faves' it's got most of their songs. "Aww you love us" he says. "Shut it I'm trying to sleep" Jack says. "I have a water bottle on hand if you snore" I say. "She's mean" Daniel says. "Poor Logan on his own" I mutter. "I'm in front of you with the whole row to myself" he says. "It's nice" he adds on. "That's nice" I say.

I watch as Corbyn smiles at something on his phone. I hear Jonah snoring. "Jonah your snoring" I say. "Mmmm" he mumbles. "Ok" I say. I dump a little bit of water on his head. "So mean" he says waking up. "I warned you" I say. "Give me that Jack keeps kicking me" Zach says. I hand the water bottle over. "Stop kicking me" Zach says spilling a bit of water on his head. "Oi" Jack says. "Stop kicking me". Zach says handing my water bottle back. (How many times have I said water bottle in this paragraph feels like a lot)
We continue to be quiet on the plane, "Jonah your snoring again" I say. "Mmm" He says quietly. I get my phone out and record on my instagram story. "Jonah your snoring" I repeat myself. "Mmm" he murmurs and continues to snore while sleeping. I dump more water on his head. "Rude!" He exclaims. "You love me" I say. I stop recording and post it.

We finally arrive after the three hour flight. We walk out onto the tarmac. "It's cold" Jack moans. "Oh hey Maddy" I say. She glares at me. "You were on the same plane?" Jonah questions. "I was at the very front" she says. "We were at the back" Zach points out. "Did Amelia actually tip water on you?" She asks pissed off. "It's on her Instagram story" Jonah says. "You saw it?" I question. "Yeah" he says. "Your not angry, we'll that angry are you?" I ask. "Nah I can't be angry at you" he says. Maddy gets pissed go and glares at me. I shrug.

I feel someone out there hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" The voice says. I immediately recognise it. "Hey Jax" I say taking his hands off of my head. "Which is yours?" He questions. "The rose gold one" I say seeing it come around. He pulls it off for me. "Thanks" I say. "I'd never miss your suitcase" I say looking at the orange one beside him. "That's why I got it" he says. "Millie come on i wanna See Kong" Logan complains coming over. "One sec" I say. "So I'll see you at the hospital at ten" I say turning my attention to Jax. "Yep see you then" he says hugging me. "Bye" I say walking off with Logan.

We see the boys outside Maddy hangs off of Jonah's arm. "Hey sorry" I say. "My shirt is still wet" Jonah complains. "So is mine" Jack says. "Here" I say chucking a small towel at Jonah. "It was in my backpack" I say. "What bout me" Jack says. "That was all Zach" I say. Jack glares at Zach for five seconds. "Uber's here!" Logan calls. We all pile in. I sit between Daniel and Corbyn. Maddy and Jonah take the two seats infront of us, Logan sits in front passenger as jack has the back to himself. I laugh as he sleeps. "You nervous for tomorrow?" Daniel asks. "It's Nothing I hadn't done before" I say. "Its just sitting in a room for two hours with a needle in my arm" I say. "Short and simple" I say. Maddy looks around confused. "What?" She asks. "Amelia" Jonah says. "It's Nothing" I cut him off.

"I'm so tired" Jack says. We're all in Logan's apartment, Maddy to. "Take my bed" I say. "No you need it more than me" he says. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll be fine" he says. "Why are you guys not tired?" I ask. Corbyn sits on the arm of the couch while Zach lays his head against him. Maddy makes herself perfectly comfortable on Jonah lap. She looks at me with the 'he's mine bitch' look while Jonah rests his head back. Daniel sits on the chair beside me. "You ok, I'm half sitting on you" I say. "Your warm" he says. "Not I'm just hot" I say. "I've taught you to much" Logan says walking in from his room. "You boys can take my room, I'll take the couch" he says. "There's also the guest bedroom" I say. "Yeah take that if you want as well" he says. We all spread out and head to bed

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