Will She Be Okay?

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Hey guys. Sorry about the change in picture. I wasn't feeling the first one. I thought may be this one was okay. So here is the next chapter. Hope you enjoy.

I do not own the Teen Titans.


Cyborg's POV

"Wait, how long?" Beast Boy asked.

"He said up to three weeks. I know its bad BB, but we need her to save Raven. We either wait or we think of another plan. But I don't think we have any other choice." I said.

We all stand there, taking in all that what I said.

"Look, we all want Raven back, but we just have to hope its not twenty days. Let's just hope it would be less. If we do that, we can save Raven in no time." Robin said.

I agreed with Robin. "Yeah. Let's just get some rest. I'll check up on Terra and see if she has made any progress in the morning."

With that being said. They all agreed and we all went to bed.

***Next Day***

It's morning and I felt all nice and charged up. I went to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

'Looks like no one is up yet. Oh well. Nice and quite will help me think of things.' I thought.

I started to go get the ingredients to make waffles until I remember that Raven was not here. I decided to just make eggs, baccon, sasuge, and toast with orange juice.

I made enough food for everyone except for BB, since he doesn't like meat, so he will have to make his own breakfast.

When I was done, everyone came in and say their good mornings.

"Hey Cyborg, have you checked up on Terra yet?" Robin asked.

"I was going to do tjt after I was done eating breakfast." I answered.

"Alright. Let's eat."

So we all our breakfast in silence. When I was done, I wash my dishes and headed to check up on Terra.

'Well, she looks the same as yesterday. Also her vitals looks the same as yesterday as well.' I thought.

I sighed and just left her room.

'I really hope she will wake up soon.'

I entered the Common Room and everyone turned to me. I just shook my head.

"Nothing. She still looks the same as yesterday."

"When will we know if our friend Raven will be alright?" Starfire asked, about to start crying.

"Don't worry Star, Raven is strong enough to take care of herself. She is alright I promise you." I said to Starfire.

The thing is I wasn't sure if I was right.

'Will she be okay?'


So will she be okay? Will she not? Are the Titans going to save her? Or will something happen? Find out on in the next chapter.

Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If its short I am so sorry. I am really busy taking care of a few things and also I was stuck. Until next time my readers.

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