So Girls, Are We Ready To Party?

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Hello, my peoples. Just wanted to say, Happy Turkey Day, Happy Thanksgiving Day, to some of you. Hope you guys enjoyed celebrating with your families.

Now, enjoy the next chapter.


I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

"Is it that bad?" I asked the girls. They just kept on staring at me for the past five minutes. They all shook their heads no.

"Is it good?" I asked them.

"Not even good." Terra said.

"Much more than good." Jinx said.

"It is much more than fantastic." Starfire sadi.

I went back into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I could not believe at what I am looking at.

'This. Cannot. Be. Me.' I thought to myself.

"Wow." Is all I could say.

They made my make up not to thick nor to thin. It was just perfect. They didn't over do it. My hair was in nice waves and on the tips they curl a little. Then, with the dress, it was just beautiful. I don't even recognize myself.

"Wait, we forgot the shoes." Terra said.

Starfire quickly went to her room and came back with a box. She came up to me and gave me the box.

"I would recommend for you to use these, friend." She said.

I looked down at the box. When I opened them, the shoes are amazing. They are black, low heels. They are not to high, which I was glad, nor are they to low. They are perfect for everything that I have on. I couldn't believe that they would help me be something else.

I put the shoes on and they are a perfect fit. Not to big or little.

"Now, you look much better." Terra said.

"I don't know, I still think something else is missing." Jinx said. She thought about it and then she figured it out.

"Your missing a little bit of jewelry." She said. She went back to Star's room then came back with two boxes.

She opened a small one and it was a beautiful, black bracelet. She put the bracelet on my wrist. Then she took a bigger box out. When she opened it, it was a beautiful necklace. It had black diamonds and the middle of the necklace was a beautiful amethyst gem. It was beautiful. Jinx went behind me and put the necklace on me. Then she came back in front of me to she how she did.

"There, now you look complete." She said.

She was right. I look stunning. I can't believe they made me not me.

"Thank you so much. I never knew I can be turned into this. I would never imagine myself looking like, well, this." I told them.

"No problem, Raven." Terra said.

"Yes, when ever you need anything else, you may let us know, friend." Starfire said.

"Yeah, you know where to find us." Jinx said.

"Wait, don't you also need to get ready?" I asked them.

"Oh, don't worry. Just give us ten minutes." Jinx said.

*** 10 Minutes Later ***

Terra came out first. She is wearing a short yellow dress, a little above the knees. The dress has a lot of ruffles. She have on yellow eye shadow and lip gloss. Her hair was in full curls. She have on high yellow heels. Also, she has on yellow earrings, necklace, and bracelet.

Next came out Starfire. She is wearing a long light purple dress with a lot of glitter on it. Her dress is a plain, no ruffles or layers. Just glitter. She have on purple eye shadow with glitter on it. She also have lip gloss on. Her shoes are purple high heels. Her hair is in a ponytail filled with curls. She also have purple necklace, bracelets, and earrings.

Lastly came Jinx. She is wearing a dark purple dress. The length of the dress is the same as mine, a little over the knees. Her dress have layers thay goes to a darker shade of purple. Her hair is down and it's straight. She have dark purple eye shadow and lip gloss. She has black high heels on. She have a black bracelet, earrings, and a dark purple necklace.

"Wow, you guys did all that so fast." I told them.

"Told you not to worry about us." Jinx said.

"Oh friends, I am the most excited about the party." Starfire said.

"Yeah, this will be a blast." Terra said.

"Still don't know why would you guys need to make a party for me and dress me like this." I told them.

"Raven, you beat Slade. No one could ever done that. You beat him without your powers. Robin couldn't even do that. Also, you know what to do and you are the greatest Titan. You have become stronger. You deserve this party. You might have been thinking that no one cares. But, we all care for you." Terra said.

"Yes, you have been the strongest for the past years. You have taught us many things, friend Raven. Even if you might not have felt that you are doing anything, you are. You have taught this team about never giving up, standing up and keep fighting. You have taught us many great things, this team has become very successful because of you, friend." Starfire said.

"Yeah, you've taught many people that even though you're bad, doesn't mean that you should stay like that. You can do great things in life if you do things right. Also, even if you have done bad things, you can still do something right if you just start doing it. It's never too late to change. "Jinx said.

What they said made me realize that I have done many great things. I never knew that I have done that much. I guess I have changed. For good.

"Thanks, that actually made me realize that I have did a change to everyone. And it's a good kind of change. Thanks guys." I told them.

They all came to me and we had a group hug.

"Okay, now let go of me." I told them. They all started to laugh.

"So girls, are we ready to party?"


Well, another chapter in the story. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Well, only two more chapters and the story will be done. I cannot believe it will come to an end. But, good things must come to an end, right?

Well, hope you guys had a great day. Don't eat to much candy, you will get nightmares. Have a great day, my peoples. Bye.

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