So... Does This Means We Are Going On Vacation?

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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other character mentioned in this story.


Cyborg's POV

When Slade said that Raven wasn't in the city, Robin said, "she's gone?"

When he said that, Slade got up and attacked Robin.

"Face it, Robin. You and your friends are too late. You will never find her. And it's all your fault." Slade said.

"Tell us where she is." Beast Boy said.

"Sorry, dear boy, but that will be none of your business."

"Tell us where our frien is Slade. Or we will not play the nice." Starfire said, while her eyes shined green. Terra's eyes also shined yellow.

"You better tell us Slade, or else this won't end well." I said while pointing my sonic blaster at him.

"Well, then. It seems that I have been here far to long than expected. I must be on my way. I have some business to take care of. Until next time, Titans." Slade said. Then a he threw something on the ground and then smoke filled the room. When the smoke cleared, he was gone.

"Great, not only did Slade got away, but now Raven isn't even here in the city. Dudes, what are we going to do?" Beast Boy asked.

"We look everywhere. We have to find her. We don't leave a friend behinde." Robin said.

"And how are we going to do that? No offense, Robin, but we need a bigger and better detective other than you." I said.

"Trust me, Cyborg, I think I know someone that can do that."

"Come on, the only greatest detective I would know would be Batman. It's not like your going to get Batman at the tower. Are you?" Terra asked.

*** Four Hours Later ***

"He would. I can't believe he would." Terra said.

Batman stood right there in the common room.

"Batman, our teammate has been kidnapped and we have no idea where she's at. She was here in the city, but when we reached the destination, Slade said that she wasn't there not even in the city."

"That's interesting. Have you noticed anything odd since she has been kidnapped." Batman asked.

"Dudes, I just noticed we haven't even had any crime lately." BB said.

"Beast Boy's right. He's never right. What happened to you?" I said.

"What? I just noticed that now. Hey! I can be smart!"

"No, you can't. Any ways Grass Stain's right. There was no crime ever since Raven got kidnapped." I said.

"Hmm, in Gotham, the crime rates have gone up for the past few weeks. I also contacted to Superma and he said crime was very low. Which could mean one thing. Raven can probably be in Gotham." Batman said.

"Really, in Gotham. Why there? I asked.

"Well, since I asked Superman hiw was Metropolis, he said that crime has been low. I also aked the Justice League how was everything, they also said the same thing. You guys also said you haven't seen crime ever since her disappearance. In Gotham City, crime has gone up a lot lately, so which means they are there. They have been stealing money and gadgets. I am suspecting that they are trying to build something, but I don't know what yet."

Batman said.

We all sat there in silence. We were all progressing what Batman said. Then Robin spoke.

"We have to go to Gotham City and search for her there. It's our only hope."

"Alright then. I will see you all tomorrow then, so we can search for her. Meet me in the bat cave at seven in the morning so we can start the search." Batman said. Then he was gone.

"Titans, we have to pack so we can go to Gotham. This might take a while." Robin said.

"So... does this mean we are going on vacation?"

We all face palmed.

"Oh Beast Boy."


Please Read Important


A/N:Well, theres the chapter peoples. Sorry if there are any mispelled words. Also if its short, I am sorry for that too. I hate to say this but, this will, probably, be the last Friday update. *people aww* DON'T PANIC!!! I just have school next week and I will be a freshmen so it might be hell, I don't know but one way to find out is to go so... yeah. But I might continue an update on every Wednesdays. I might even do a double update week, if my week was okay with not so much homework. But if I do have to change the update day, I will let you all know. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter my peoples.


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