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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

"So, are we ready?" Asked Jinx.

"Perhaps we shall see how the boys are doing with the decorations." Starfire suggested.

"Oh yeah, they weren't done with the room. We should go check before any guests arrive." Terra said.

We started to head to the Common Room. Beast Boy was the one who was going to do the decorations, let's see how he did this. Hope it's not a mess.

We entered the room and it was amazing. There are balloons, tables with food and drinks, confetti, lights, and string. It was all well orginized.

"Looks like Beast Boy can decorate. Well, at least he's good at something." I said out loud.

"Hey! I'm good at a lot of things." He said while still putting string up.

"That's what you think. Have you heard your own jokes?" I told him.

He was about to say something but then closes his mouth since he knows that I'm right. So, he just continues to work.

"That's what I thought." I said smirking.

On the other side of the room is Cyborg working on the stereos to have the music up. I'm guessing he will be DJ for the night. All I know is that it will be a long night for all of this that's going to happen.

"What time are the others arriving?" Jinx asked.

"At 7." Cyborg responded.

"Whoa, it's 6:55. We should make you do a grand entrance since you are our guest of honor." Terra said.

"Come on, there is no need to exaggerate." I told her.

"Sure there is, you have beaten Slade. You need to have a grand entrance." Jinx said.

"Also, no one has not seen you in your dress. That way, you may surprise them by how you look." Starfire said.

"Come on guys, this is really unnecessary." I told them.

"Nonsense, we shall give you the grand entrance. Let us go to a room while the guests arrive. Also, before they see you." Starfire said.

All three of them pushed me out the door and into a room.

"Great, this thing has turned into a sweet 16. I don't even like the attention." I said to myself.(A/N: actually, I can relate to this because I will soon experienced this in the future.)

A few minutes have passed and I can hear feet and chatting passing by.

"Looks like we have company." I whispered. A few more minutes and then it got quiet. After that, someone started to come straight to the door. Then, it opened the door. It was Starfire.

"Friend, it is time for your grand entrance." She said.

"Fine." I told her.

We came close to the Common Room.

"Stay out here till friend Terra introduces you." Starfire said. She went inside.

The doors are closed, but you can hear someone speaking to everyone.

"Now, we all know we are here to party, but there is someone who deserves our attention and the reason this party was made. She was captured twice for the past few weeks and it was very hard in what she went through. But, she fought for not just herself, but for her friends. She kept fighting and kicked Slade's ass. She is a well known friend to all of us. Please welcome, our dark Titan, Raven." Terra said.

I standed on the middle, took a deep breath and the doors opened.

'Here goes nothing.' I tought to myself.

I started to walk inside.

All was quiet when I walked in. People stared at me and have their mouths wide open. They just stand there and stare. Then, they all started to clap and cheering for me. Many came up to me and congratulates me. Others say that I looked beautiful and gorgeous.

'I guess this isn't so bad.' I thought to myself.

*** 1 Hour And 30 Minutes Later ***

I was just listening to what the girls are talking until Cyborg stopped the music and started to speak.

"Alright y'all, this party is about to go big. Why do you ask? Well, it's time to do what other parties do.... KARAOKE!!!"

I just stand there shocked.



Well, here it is. Another chapter. Wow, what a way to end the story, right? A Karaoke party.

Next chapter, the last chapter. Sigh, so sad that it will all be over.

Hope you peoples enjoyed this chapter. I am so sorry for any mistakes, this phone is messing up.

I will see you all on the last update on Friday. Have a good day guys.


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