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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Kid Flash's POV

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Raven said.

"Alright, I will see you later then." I told her. Then she left.

I look at all the food that I brought in.

"Let me see, I got chips, dip, stuff to make sandwiches, and other food materials. I think we are good. I will soon call the pizza guy to bring pizza." I said.

"Hmm, what can I do now? May be put the stuff away until we are about to start. Or I can start making the food."

I thought about it. Then, I found my answer. The next thing I knew, the sandwiches were done. A lot of sandwiches.

"Well, not only am I the fastest runner, I am the fastest sandwich maker. Nice."

I look at the sandwiches, great, now I'm hungry again.

"May be I'll take three and wait for the party." I grabbed three and went to the couch and started to eat them.

"Huh, they are not that bad. Just needs some mayo. But where would they leave it?"

I searched and searched but found nothing. All the draws, the cabinets, and under the sink. Nothing.

"May be Raven will know where they left it." So, I started to head to her room.

I arrived at her door in a second. I knocked on her door and said," hey, Raven, yeah do you know where do you guys keep the mayonnaise?"

I waited for a few seconds and no response.

'May be she's asleep.' So, I knocked louder.

"Raven, are you in here?" I asked. Still, no response.

'She has to be in here. May be I'll just knock her door down.'

I started to knock down the door. Once it was down, I entered her room.

I looked around the room. On her bed, her desk, the corners and nothing. She's not in her room. She's not in the restroom either because it was open when I was coming to her room.

"Oh no, this cannot be happening. I have to tell Robin."

I quickly went to where Robin was at. I opened the door and he was sitting there in the chair.

"Yeah, today....... nice. Well, can you do that for me?..... thanks, I appreciate it. Alright, see you later. Yeah, later." Then he hangs up the phone.

"Robin, I have to tell you something. Something bad happened." I told him. He jumped and turned around.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Raven is missing."

"No, this can't be true. How do you know?" He asked.

"I was wondering where would the mayonnaise be at, so I decided to go to Raven. I passed the restroom and it was open. I arrived to her room and knocked and told her. She didn't responded. May be she was asleep, so I knocked harder, still no response. I knocked down her door and no one was in the room."

"Shit. Why again? Why did it had to be her? What do they want with her?" He said.

He got his communicator out and called up Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Terra.

"Titans, are you there?" He asked.

"We're here Rob, what do you need?" Cyborg asked.

"You guys aren't going to believe me, but Raven is gone."

"Again?" They all said at the same time.



Yup, again.

Well, another chapter done. Hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it's short. Also, sorry for any mistakes in here.

Well, I hope you all liked this. I used Kid Flash for this chapter. Funny.

Anyways, I will see you all on Friday.


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