First Day Back

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*Michaelas' POV*

*Alarm clock goes off* "Ugghhh, Monday already?!" I grunted. I hate Monday mornings, well I hate Mondays in general! They just seem so long, and every one including myself is so groggy. To make matters worse, today was the first day back from summer break!

"Michaela, get up!" My mother screamed up the stairs.

"I am up, mother!" I yelled back with a sarcastic tone. 

Well, I guess it's time to get ready, I grabbed my hideous school uniform which consisted of a marroon polo, and a pair oF khakis, and headed off to the bathroom. The feeling of the hot water on my skin felt so good, after showering I looked into the mirror. Did I like what I saw? Not really, but there isn't much I can do about that so I suck it up. I crawled into my uniform, did my hair, and put a light application of make-up on then headed down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Mmm, toast covered with Nutella, yum!

"Hurry up, you're going to miss the bus and I have to get to work so I can't take you to school if you miss it!" My dad yelled as I grabbed my back pack and headed out of the door with my extremely annoying 12 year old brother.

As I was walking around the corner of my street my phone began to vibrate, a text from Victoria. "Did you hear about the huge assembly we're having as a 'welcome back gift'?!" I was quick to reply "No, but i'm sure it won't be anything special considering our school always has a new way to ruin everyones school year." She didn't reply after that. 

After waiting for what seemed like eternity my bus finally arrived at my stop, I sat all the way at the back of the empty school bus, put my head phones in and started blasting One Direction, the only thing that kept me sane and here on this dreadful planet. I started yelling "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY EL-" until I realized people were getting onto the bus, hello rosy red cheeks of embrrasment. 

As we pulled up to the school I spotted the very small group of my friends, I tried to keep it a small group as people were never really my favorite thing. 

"MICHAELA, OMG YOUR HAIR GOT SO LONG!!!" My friends screamed as I got off the bus. "Nice to see you too." I sarcastically replied with a smirk on my face. We had about 5 minutes of pointless conversation about our fantaastic summers *sarcasm intended* before the school doors open, the teachers directed us to go to our lockers then straight to home base so we could go to the assembly. I was in grade 10 this year so I got to look at the 9th graders scatter all over the hall way in fear and confusion.

After putting my crap in my locker I huddled down the metal stairs of death we had in our school which led me to my home room, although I didn't really mind my home room my teacher was way too much of a smart ass to start off the school year with. "Welcome back students, it's not that bad I mean I knoow your summers weren't THAT good." He said chuckling. An announcment came on all throughout the upper school telling teachers to gather their home room students and report to the gym.

I was half way to the gym before my heart nearly stopped due to un expected screams and cries. "OH MY GOOODDDDD, IT CAN'T BE, UGH I WANT TO MARRY THEM, HARRY GIVE ME YOUR GRAAVVYYY!" The teenage girls who were just hitting pueberty screached, I was a little skeptic until I reached the gym door, that's when I saw the 5 people who saved my life, and made it better stood infront of me at the front of the gym, the one, the only One Direction.

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