The Unexpected

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Michaelas' POV


"Arrrgghhh!" I groaned as my alarm sadly went off.

Time to repeat the same routine as yesterday, shower, mirror, uniform, hair, make-up, breakfast, bus, One Direction, school... FUN! 

"Hey, good morning Michaela!" Victoria said cheerfully as she entered home room.

"Morning, what's got you in such a good mood?" I asked.

"Ohhh nothing, just happened to check a certain someones Twitter this morning, which you OBVIOUSLY haven't seen." She replied, showing me what was so important on Twitter.

@Harry_Styles: Wish I got her name.. mystery girl if you're seeing this, reply please?

"Oh.My.God" I screamed as my home room teacher walked in.

"I know, don't I just look faaaabulous?!" He joked as I chuckled.

"What am I supposed to do Vic?!" I desperatly asked her.

"Well, do you want to talk to him? Do you want to maybe see him again?" She asked.

"Well, YEAH! I have to atleast tell him how much him and the band have done for me!" I replied yelling.

"Well.... here is my phone, log in and reply to your knigh in shining armor!" She replied winking.

I took her phone and logged into my Twitter, I was pretty hesitant to reply back to him but I finally grew the guts to hit reply and type @HowYouDoinSexy @Harry_Styles: Ehm... hello there. My name isn't mystery girl, it's Michaela... Hello. :P

I then logged off thinking he was busy and wouldn't reply right away, I gave Victoria her phone and continued with my school day.


"Hello honey!" My mom said as I walked inside the house.

"Ehm... hello." I said with a confused look on my face as she never greets me, let alone calls me honey.

"So you and Harry Styles huh?" She asked winking.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" I asked as I was shocked.

"You do know I have a Twitter right... and I do follow you?" She relpied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, gave her a half hearfelt laugh and headed  upstairs to my room to check my Twitter. 

Wow, I gained alot of followers... I thought to myself, I checked my mentions but they were so blown up from other girls, mostly death threats that didn't bother me. I was forced to go on Harrys' Twitter to see if he replied, I saw a couple of his retweets before seeing his tweet to me. @Harry_Styles @HowYouDoinSexy: Cute name. (; I followed you, DM me as soon as possible please? xx

What was happening I thought? Was I really just asked to DM Harry Styles... BY HARRY STYLES?! I had to calm down and breathe or else i'd explode! I calmly went onto his Twitter and DM'd him. "Hello there.. why is it so urgent that I DM you?" I asked him. He replied quicker than I expected! "I needed to talk to you without having hundreds of girls up my arse. :P" "Oh, well here I am! What'd ya want?" I asked trying to act slyly. "Your number... ;P" He replied. I needed a minuted to breathe and take all of this in before I could reply. "***-***-****... when you text me, just text me with your name please?" I replied nervously. "Sure thing, love. xxx" He sent back. Harry Styles just sent me kisses via Twitter, hello rosy cheeks except they weren't from embarrasment, I was blushing... Me?! Michaela, BLUSHING?! Hm, I guess there is a first time for everything.

"Michaela, dinner!" My dad yelled up the stairs.

Harrys' POV

"Lou, should I text or call her?! When should I do it?! What do I say?!" I yelled at Louis nervously.

"Harry, calm down. You sound like a school boy who's just found his first crush! Text her in like 15 minutes? Make her wait, it will make her want to talk to you more, just say a common greeting and your name!" He replied.

"Phew, thanks man. I don't know where i'd be without you, honestly." I said to him a little bit calmer than I was 5 seconds ago.

*15 minutes later*

"Hey, it's Harry." I sent to Michaela.

"Hello there." She replied rather quick.

"How are you love?" I asked her.

"Ehm, alright thanks. And you?" She asked.

"I'm alright, thanks. xx" I responded.

Was I really talking to the same girl I sung to? The same girl who got lost in my eyes as I got lost in hers? I don't want to say anything to serious, not yet atleast I don't want to scare her away! 

Michaelas' POV

Stay calm, Michaela. STAY CALM. I thought to myself as I was texting the actual Harry freaking Styles. I hated how blunt I was being but I didn't want to extreme fan girl and scare him away! It was so hard not to crack, but I managed to do a pretty good job.

"So... how was your day at school?" He asked.

SHIT, I forgot to reply to this last message! Ugh, i'm screwing this up worse than I thought!

"It was good I guess, not as good as yesterday though!" I replied.

"What made yesterday so special? ;P" He asked KNOWING the answer to his question.

"Well, it's not every day that the band who saved your life comes to your school and the one you have a crush on sings his solo to you  beautifully as you get lost in his eyes. xxx" I replied.

DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT TO HIM?! Oh my god, he's never going to reply to me now! My phone vibrated after I mentally face palmed. Could it be? ... yup, Harry Styles, I grinned.

"That's  why you weren't like all of the other girls screaming for our attention! We actually have a meaning to you, I was wondering why you were so calm, you looked like you were just embracing the music, it was rather intriging if I do say so myself." He said.

He noticed me THAT MUCH? Wow... I actually felt special for once in my life, and it felt absolutley amazing if I do say so myself.

"Wow... you were watching me the whole time huh? ;P" I replied.

"Well, it was kinda hard to take my eyes off of the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on." He replied.

And that moment right there was when I realized Harry Styles was flirting with me.. my heart started racing. I felt like it would pop out of my chest!

"Wow... thank you Harry. That was very flattering. xx" I said directed to his compliment.

"Is there any chance I could see you again some time soon?" He asked.

"Well, i'm free all weekend? Where are you staying?" I asked.

"Marriott hotel right down the road from your school." He replied.

"Well, lucky for you I live 2 minutes away from the school, pick me up from the front entrance Friday after school at 3:30?" I asked.

"Its a date! See you then, good night beautiful. xx" He replied.

"Thank you. xx Good night handsome." I said before plugging my phone in and setting it onto my bed rest and closing my eyes to soon fall asleep.

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