I Miss The Old Days

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Michaela’s POV

I woke up in Harry’s arms which is something I’d never expect after two nights ago. It didn’t feel entirely right, I felt like he still didn’t deserve me after what he put me through. I decided to go talk to Zayn about all of this.

I walked into Zayn’s room and it looked like he was crying before he fell asleep, he had tear stained cheeks.

“Zayn. Zayn, wake up. What happened last night?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” He asked back.

“Your cheeks… they’re stained with tears.” I said.

“Really?!” He jumped up.

“What happened?” I asked again.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” He replied.

“YES, it does.” I yelled.

“I just… don’t know why you went back to him. He hurt you and it killed me to see you like that then you just walk right back into his arms?” He spit out.

“Sorry I actually know what love is…” I spit out. Zayn’s eyes filled with ears and I immediately filled with regret.

“Zayn, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.” I said frantically.

“Just go…” He said. I walked out of the room with my lip quivering; now I felt extremely alone. I just upset my best friend who was always there for me… what was happening to me?

I decided since it was my last day I’d cook breakfast, pack, then head to the airport. I wrote a note telling everyone the emotions I had, that I took an earlier flight, and I was sorry for ever walking into their lives.

I quickly and quietly packed my things and left, I was now headed for the airport.

After about 30 minutes after I left my phone was going off frantically, I just turned it off. I didn’t want sorries, or forgiveness. I just wanted to forget everything and move on and let the boys be happy again.


Michaela’s POV

It’s now been 2 years since I’ve even seen the boys, Victoria had her baby and Niall was there for it. I don’t talk to Victoria much anymore though because after Jessica (Her baby) was born she decided to drop out and go on tour with the boys, she took her classes online and graduated early.

I was now going to college, my parents understood what had happened between the boys and I, and they helped a lot with emotional support. I was going to London for college; I’ve wanted to do this since I was in 6th grade. I knew I wouldn’t bump into the boys or anything because they were always some place different.

As for my love life? HAHA, what love life? I didn’t have a boyfriend, I didn’t flirt with anyone, and I didn’t even have a crush. I didn’t wear Harry’s promise ring because well… he broke that promise. He promised to never hurt me and he did the worst thing he absolutely could to hurt me. Zayn and I haven’t spoken since the cabin incident and it was killing me, I really did miss having him as my best friend.

“Mom, I’m heading off now!” I yelled as I got into the taxi which was taking me to the airport.

“Oh darnit, we’re going to miss you so much sweetie. Be safe, and we’re only a phone call away, we love you!” She said.

“I know I know, I love you guys too. Bye” I yelled closing the door.

The taxi driver was quiet, but I didn’t mind the quiet. I was used to being alone.

“We’re hear miss.” Was the first and last thing he said to me before I paid him, thanked him, and then left.

I grabbed my luggage which wasn’t much since I was going to live in an already furnished dorm, and made my way to the waiting dock for my plane to be called. I waited for 15 minutes until they called my flight, I got up and made my way to the plane.

I was sat next to this bigger sized man but I didn’t mind he was quiet and peaceful, the flight attendants came on and gave us our basic directions, breathing masks, seat belts, etc. They walked behind their curtain and an announcement came on.

“Please fasten your seat belts, we’re now ready to fly.”

Well, here I come London.

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