You're Amazing

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Michaela's POV

"Michaela, get up dear your breakfast will get cold!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

As I got out of bed I thought "Well, today is the big day. My date with Harry Styles is only a few hours away." It seemed hard to imagine how close we've gotten in the few days we've talked, but I didn't mind it. I felt I could trust Harry with my life, and I didn't want to hold back.

"MOM, have you seen my khaki skort?!" I yelled frantically as I was scared i'd miss the bus.

"Yes Michaela, they're in the dryer." She replied annoyingly.

Just as I was headed down the stairs to my basement my phone vibrated.

"Good morning gorgeous, we still on for today right?" It was a text from the oh so wonderful Harry Styles.

"Yes 'Boo Bear'." I teased.

"I'm telling Lou! Have a good day at school, see you soon enough. xx" He replied


Michaelas' POV

Today went by pretty smoothly and quickly, all though I was so eager to see Harry and he wouldn't escape my mind for a second! It was hard to concentrate on any school work. FINALLY, 3:30 hit and the announcments came on announcing the busses.

"Bus 44" The speaker yelled.

YES, I was finally on my way to see the one and only Harry Styles and have a DATE with him. I thought to my self just how lucky I was to have a great guy who actually liked me before even getting to know me, which was proof he wasn't just another bloke trying to use me.

Harrys POV

It was 3:34 and I was waiting kind of impatiently for Michaela to arrive at the car, I just wanted to see her so badly! It seemed like forever ago that I saw her at the assembly, I was still nervous about tonight but I think Lou gave me enough pep talk to last until I'm about to have a kid for god sake!

As I was giggling at the though of Lou, a beautiful girl with stunning chestnut brown colored hair that shined like the stars was approaching my car. I jumped out of the car in excitement, grabbed her, and just hugged her for a good 3 minutes.

"Well, hello there cheeky chappy." She said with a cute little smirk on her face.

Why was everything she did so cute to me?! This girl has got me going crazy.

"How was your day at schooolll?" I said teasing her then shooting her a wink.

"How do you think it was? It was especially hard because I had this really cute, curly haired, green eyed boy stuck in my head." She replied, causing me to blush.

"So where are you taking me exactly?" She asked curiously.

"It's a suprise, you'll see." I replied with a smirk.

After about 15 minutes of driving we were there, it looked beautiful. 

"OMG Harry, you did NOT?!" She yelled as she bolted out the car with her jaw dropped to the floor.

"OMG like yes I DID!" I replied sarcastically.

"It's so beautiful!" She yelled.

Michaelas' POV

As we pulled up to this mystery location I saw something that the moon beautifully reflected on just glistening peacefully. I bolted out the car and my jaw just.... dropped. I've been to the lake before but it never looked so beautiful. Harry had this picnic blanket set up with some candles and roses around the blanket, I felt like I was in a movie.

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