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Michaela’s POV

*4 years later*

“Michaela, I knew from the moment I PURPOSEFULY kissed you in the club that night that you were the one I needed to be with. You are the most beautiful person inside and out that I’ve ever met. You deserve the world and I hope I can give it to you, I love you.” Zayn said to me.

“Zayn, I never expected to be where I am today. Without you I wouldn’t be. I’d be alone and unloved but with you I can feel your love no matter where you are, you don’t need to give me the world because you are my world and you’re mine… I love you, too.” I replied.

“Zayn, do you take Michaela to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The priest asked.

“I do.” Zayn said.

“Michaela, do you take Zayn to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The priest asked.

“I do.” I said confidently.

“You may now kiss the bride.” He told us. Zayn grabbed me by the waist and planted a huge, deep, passionate kiss on my lips.

“I love you, so much.” I said.

“I love you too.” He replied.

Everyone clapped, even Harry. Maybe I should explain what happened in between then and now.

After I went to the boy’s flat the boys and I caught up, I saw Jessica for the first time. She was already 2 and a half by the time I saw her, I cried because I realized how awful I was for leaving everybody behind. They forgave me, luckily Harry understood why I chose to do what I did and he gave me a proper apology and we became close friends, sometimes I think what it’d be like if I was still with Harry, but then I think I don’t care because I’m with Zayn and I’m happy, Niall and Victoria got married exactly a year ago. We graduated from college last month and were now working with some of the best music artists in the world, we did the artists hair, make-up, and clothing. The boys are planning on going on their 3rd tour in two months and we’ll be tagging along for business purposes… and the fact that they were our best friends.

For our honeymoon Zayn and I were going to Brazil, we don’t know why but we both chose it so hey, why not?

It was time for the wedding reception.

“Congratulations, you look so beautiful in your dress.” A random girl said.

I giggled and said “Thank you.”

Time for the toasts… the best part.

Victoria started with “Let me just tell you… this bitch is crazy. She took a long trip to get to where she is today and she deserves every bit of it, Zayn I know you’re good to and for her so thank you for making the smile on my best friend’s face real. Michaela, I love you Boo Bear.” I didn’t realize it but I was crying, I was so overjoyed I had a perfect life. My best friend from high school was still my best friend to this day and I was happily in love with Zayn Malik.

*2 years later*

So today marks the 2 year anniversary for Zayn and me and the 3 year anniversary for Niall and Victoria, they were still going strong and so was Jessica. She was beautiful, she had long blonde hair with amazing blue green eyes. I hoped my baby looked as beautiful as her, I was due in 6 months as was Victoria. She was expecting twins and I was expecting a boy. Zayn and I thought of names before I even got pregnant and we chose Christopher Jawaad Malik. I was in love with Christopher already.

*1 year later*

Well if I thought I was in love with Christopher a year ago… I underestimated love. This little boy was the cutest thing, he had his dad’s big brown eyes, black hair, and cheek bones. He had my nose, lips, and hair type *wavy*. He was gorgeous. Zayn and I loved him so dearly.

Victoria and Niall named the boy twin Jonathan and the girl twin Jamie they were literally inseparable. They shared their toys, and didn’t leave Jessica out. Her kids were so cute, sometimes I’d bring Christopher over and they’d have so much fun together, I could tell our kids would be best friends.

Zayn and I were at Victoria’s house for her 4 year anniversary party and for Zayn and my 3 year anniversary party.

“3 years and I still love you more than the first time I kissed you.” Zayn whispered.

“Oh you mean in the club when you lied and said you were drunk?” I teased.

“Yeah, that time.” He winked.

“Am I interrupting?” Harry came out asking.

“No, just talking.” I said. “What’s up?” I asked.

“Just wanted to say congrats, and Michaela you look happy with Zayn I’m glad you guys worked out.” He said.

“I am happy with Zayn, and thanks. I hope you and Theresa are okay…” I said, yup. Harry was dating the girl he cheated on me with. Ever since I found out a few months ago it’s been awkward because that’s just… not cool. But I was with Zayn and I was happy so it didn’t bother me too much.

“We are, thanks. Well I’m gonna go talk to Lou… bye.” He said and awkwardly walked away.

Ever since meeting One Direction my life hasn’t been the same, it never will be. But I’m okay with that, I like where I am right now, and after I thought that I kissed Zayn and went to go play with Christopher… this truly was my fairy tale ending… ♥

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