The Next Day

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Michaelas’ POV

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed but still a little sore in the rib area. Just as I got up I realized it was Thursday morning. SHIT, I was late for school. I grabbed my phone and called my mom telling her, she was okay with it and she knew, she said she wanted me to stay home knowing I was restless and still a bit shaken up from what had happened a few days before.

“Thanks mom, have a great day. I love you.” I told her before getting up and getting some plastic bags to put over my cast so I could shower.

I went upstairs and had a nice hot shower, after I was done in the shower I went to my room and got dressed; I didn’t bother putting any make up on knowing id struggle big time thanks to this amazing cast. I laughed as I came across the signatures on my cast. All the boys signed it along with my parents, and Victoria.

Louis said “Feel better, man stealer.”

Liam said “Feel better. X (:”

Niall said “I’m glad you’re back!”

Zayn said “Feel better, my favorite female friend. <3” Aww, that was sweet! It made me smile.

Then there was Harry “I would be lost without you, I’m glad your back. I love you. xx” I grinned so hard!

My parents said “We love you honey!”

Vics said “Glad your back; I’d be nothing without my best friend.”

That put me in a good mood. I decided I’d text Harry and tell him he could come over since I was home alone for a while. He responded saying “I’ll bring the Notebook and chocolate. (:” Oh boy, does he know me well.

Not even 15 minutes later I had an extremely handsome green eyed, curly haired boy standing on my door step. I greeted him with a kiss and told him to come on in.

“No make-up?” He asked. Gah, I totally forgot!

“Uhm…yeah.” I replied hesitantly.

“Good, natural beauty is a better look than all the make up in the world. You look stunning my love.” He said, taking away all of my insecurities.

“You’re the best, thank you.” I replied with a nice big smile.

We spent the afternoon watching love movies and cuddling, even though I had an obnoxious cast we still made it work. It was now 3:45 and my mom walked through the door.

“Oh well hello there Harry!’ She greeted.

“Hello Mrs. Adams!” He greeted back.

“Oh please, call me Kim!” She said.

“Gee, hi to you too mom.” I said sticking my tongue out at her.

“Well, I better go I have to meet the boys at the studio soon, bye babe have a great rest of the day and a wonderful day tomorrow, it’s the last day of the school week, I’m sure you’re tough enough to get through it, I love you beautiful.” He said before kissing my forehead and leaving me on the couch.

“I love you too!” I yelled before he shut the door behind him.

“Mom, I’m gonna go to Vics for a little is that alright?” I asked, she nodded her head in agreement.

“HEY, be safe…” She said before I closed the door behind me.

I decided I’d call Vic and talk to her on the phone while I was walking to her house because I was a little scared still.

“Alright, well I’m at your door.” I said before hanging up and walking in greeting her mom and heading upstairs.

“EW, hi.” I teased.

“Uuughhh, what do YOU want?” She joked in response.

“How was school?” I asked.

“Fine I guess, no one knows you even have a cast or anything, it’s great.” She responded.

“So, the excuse is I fell down the steps. Alright?” I asked.

“Haha, alright.” She responded.

We just spent 3 hours talking about everything, how good our lives were at the moment and everything. Soon after we were done her mom walked in.

“Hi dear, are you staying for dinner?” Her mom asked.

“I’d love to, thank you.” I gave her a warm smile.

“No problem… oh dear what happened to your arm?!” She asked urgently.

“Oh nothing my clumsy self-fell down the steps trying to carry clothes down to the wash room.” I responded.

“Hahahaha, be more careful!” She said.

“Will do!” I responded.

As soon as she left Victoria and I bursted out laughing! I was a good liar, I don’t normally lie because I find it silly but I felt if I revealed the truth about what really happened the bombarding, questions, and paps would never stop. So it was for a good cause this time.

“That was a great meal Liz, thank you. I should start heading home now, before it gets too dark.” I said as I brought my plate to the sink and headed out of the door.

I didn’t dare leave her front door step until I was on the phone with somebody, I decided to call Harry to see how the studio went.

*Ring… ri-*

“Hello gorgeous!” He greeted.

“Aw thanks, hi babe! I was leaving Vics and don’t like to walk without calling someone so I decided to call my favorite person and ask them how the studio went!” I said.

“Oh well you’ve got the wrong number, this is Harry not Louis, sorry babe.” He joked.

“Hahaha oh hush you, how’d the studio go?” I asked again.

“It went fine, we’re still recording the same old stuff but trying to perfect it for tour.” He responded.

“Oh yeah, do you have any idea when tour starts? And perfect it..? You guys are already flawless; they’re stressing it too much I know you guys will do fine!” I said reassuringly.

“Thank you, uhm not an exact date but somewhere in the next few months I’m guessing. That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.. What are we going to do well actually.. What are we going to ‘be’ when I leave for tour? Do we stay together or what?” He asked. The last part made my heart sink…

“Well I’m not sure yet but whatever we choose to do our love is eternal so I’m not really worried about, I know you wouldn’t forget about me or move on or anything…. Right?” I asked with UN certainty.

“Of course?! I want to marry you Michaela, you don’t just throw eternal love away.” He responded.

“I love you! Ah so much! But I’m home so ill text you in the morning okay?” I asked.

“Alright babe, I’m glad you’re home safe. Sleep tight and I love you so much.” He replied.

“I love you too, I’ll surely be going to bed with a smile on my face tonight.” I said before he gave a final response “The beautiful smile I’m always thinking about, alright bye babe.” And with that, I hung up, drug myself upstairs and showered with my bag covered cast then laid down and peacefully fell asleep with Harry still on my mind.

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