What's Going On?!

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Michaelas' POV

Once I woke up I realized it was Sunday, last day of the weekend wooo. *Eye roll*

After I woke up and drifted back into reality the first thing I did was check my phone. *1 new text message* popped up onto my home screen ofcourse from Harry, my amazing boyfriend.

Harry. xxx: Morning..

Morning..? What was wrong with him?! My heart  dropped at the thought of him being unhappy so I quickly replied.

"Good morning love, what's wrong? You seem... differemt than usual. :/" I replied urgently.

It seemed like eternity before my phone buzzed again, ofcourse it wasn't from Harry. It was from my mom, she was asking what I wanted for breakfast, I told her nothing as my stomach was in a knot from   worrying about Harry. 

3 and a half hours went by and still no reply, I was starting to get a little upset. Was he ignoring me? Was he busy? What did this mean? Those were the only thoughts swarming through my head the whole 3 and a half hours I spent alone, laying on my bed. 

It was now 5 hours since I texted Harry, still no response. I got to upset and scared I started crying. I cried so much I eventually cried myself to sleep.


*The next morning*

"MICHAELA, why are you not up yet?!" My mom yelled as she stormed into my room.

"Wha- what?" I asked just starting to wake up.

"It is 10 o'clock in the morning WHY ARE YOU NOT UP?!" She repeated. Then I remembered I must've cried myself to sleep so I never got the chance to set my alarms for this morning.

"Arrrgghh, sorry mom. I'm up now." I said stating the obvious.

"It's aright , you're just lucky I had the day off this morning." She said comforting me once she was able to see my face, I guess I still had tear stained cheeks. "Just go get ready, i'll wake your brother up." She added.

As I stood up to go get ready I looked at my phone 3 new texts and 1 missed call. I didn't have time to check them now so I brushed it off and got ready for my lovely upcoming day of school.

Once I got done getting ready I grabbed my phone, my back pack, and put my shoes on and headed downstair where my brother and mom were waiting for me. "Good morning sweetie, I figured we could stop at McDonalds for breakfast considering you're already late for school. Is that alright?" She asked. "Sure I dont mind." I replied.

As we arrived at McDonalds my mom told my brother to go in a while because she had to talk to me, uh-oh here come the questions about yesterday... fun.

"So...Michaela, what happened yesterday?" She asked in her most comforting tone.

"Well..." I started before finishing telling her what had happened, and what thoughts were and she just gave me a smirk.

"Honey... I think you love him." She said.

Wait what... I thought t myself did she just tell me i'm...inlove with Harry Styles? The boy I just started dting but wanted for months? Was it true? 

"Thanks for the talk mom, it helped." I said to her before hugging her then heading into McDonalds.

As we sat down and began to eat I pulled my phone out from my pocket and red the 3 texts I had.

Harry. xxx: Babe.. I have to talk to you soon, preferrably in person.

Harry. xxx: Hello?


He has to talk to me.... about what? The thoughts that were swarming my head began to depress me, I decided to help and stop this feeling i'd reply and see if he could tell me now.

Harrys' POV

Ever since I woke up i've just been laying in my bed staring at the ceiling as if it was playing my favorite movie over and over again. How was I going to tell her? Would she understand? Or would she leave me? The thoughts left me dull and lifeless.

A few more minutes passed before my phone went off, could it be Michaela?!

Michaela <3: Uh.. good morning. What do you have to tell me? If you honestly can't tell me now I guess I could see you for a little after school but the thoughts are killing me..

I was hurting my girlfriend and myself.. wht kind of person was I? Let alone what kinda of boyfriend was I?! A horrible one... for both.

"I'll pick you p after school, same spot as last time... have a good day at school, I miss you.. xx" I replied.

Michaela <3: Yeah.. have a good day, see you later, bye. x

After that I fell asleep with horrible thoughts in my head, thoughts of how she'd react.. I was dreading later today.

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