Meeting The Boys

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After hours of yes' and nos' I FINALLY had the outfit and was ready to go. 

I chose a casual sun dress that had a black background fabric with a whole bunch of tiny pink flowers, with cream heels. It was casual but presentable. I thought I didn't look half bad!

As I walked downstairs my parents just stared at me, all they could say was "My little girl is all grown up." It made me want to cry and hug them but the boys would be here any minut- I was interupted by a knocking on the door.

I opened the door and saw Harry, my adorable curly haired, green eyed boyfriend, boy was I lucky. "Hi Harry! Why don't you come in and meet my parents really quick?" I asked.

"Sure!" He replied confidently.

"Mom, dad meet Harry, my boyfriend." I said.

"Oh my gosh we've heard ALOT about you, she's liked you ever since X-Factor." My mom replied, causing me to turn red.

"Moooommmmm." I whined.

"Well, Harry I just want you to know you're welcome here anytime you'd like and I just want to thank you, you make my daughter very happy and we never expected that to happen." My father added.

Wow, my parents were actually being pretty.... cool.

"Well, we better go today is full of first meets, I don't want to mess mine up!" I said as I grabbed Harrys' hand and led to the door.

"Phew, I thought we'd never leave." I said with a sigh of relief.

"Oh it wasn't that bad. Your parents are pretty cool, Ms. ILoveHarryStyles." He replied winking at me.

I just rolled my eyes and playfully slapped him on the arm. As we inched toward the van I got nervous, really nervous. Not only was I meet One Direction, but I was meeting my boyfriends BEST mates. As we approached the door Harry reassured me with a smile, he then opened the soor signaling me to go in first, I did as told.

"HELLO MICHAELA!" The boys shouted in unicen. They almost made me jump out of my skin!

"Err, ehm HELLO!" I quickly said snapping out of it. "How are you all today?" I asked trying to strike up conversation.

"Hungry, and annoyed." Niall replied.

"Aw, why are you annoyed?" I asked in a comforting tone.

"I.HATE.SUPRISES." He yelled, I guess Harry did a good job at keeping Nandos a secret.

"Do you know where we're going?!" He asked.

"Nope." I said slyly popping the "P"

Niall just grunted and slouched back into his seat.

"You look beautiful." Harry said looking straight into my eyes.

"Thank you handsome." I said before I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"GET OFF MY MAN YOU SLAG!" Louis yelled. I just laughed, the boys weren't so hard to talk to after all.

On the rest of the way to Nandos we played "I spy." which Liam killed everyone in! When we arrived Niall was the first one out of the van. "NO FUCKING WAY?!" He yelled.

"Hey! Watch the language!" Liam snickered.

"Sorry Daddy Direction." Nial replied sarcastically.

As we went into the resteraunt there were few, close to no people in there which was great, not un wanted attention during dinner.

"What do you want babe?" Harry asked me.

"Erm, I don't know. I've never been here before, what's good?" I asked.

"PERI PERI CHICKEN!" Niall yelled across the table before giving anyone time to reply.

"Well, guess that solves my problem!" I giggled causing the rest of the boys to chuckle.

After about 20 minutes our food finally arrived, everyone got the same think, Peri Peri Chicken but different flavors. I got mild since i'm new to it, Liam, Harry, and Louis got hot, and ofcourse Niall and Zayn got extra hot.

Zayn wasn't as vain as people said he was, he didn't care about his hair as much as people made it seem. In fact they were all so calm and chill. I really liked the boys, it was like i've known them for years, it was so easy to talk to them.

As I took my first bite of my chicken, all eyes were on me. I found it a tad awkward but finally gave them what they wanted. As I started to chew the chicken my eyes widened, it was so delicious! Then came a smirking Niall, :Told ya so." He said proud that he turned another person into a Nandos consumer.

It was now after dinner and every one was stuffed including Niall who had finished off Harrys', and Liams' chicken. We decided to pay for the food, then go for a walk around the town. We then saw this cute little ice cream shop so we stopped by and grabbed some ice cream then started heading to the van.

I asked Harry if they could drop me off because I was really tired and was just going to go to sleep, we pulled up infront of my house and before I left I gave Harry a peck on the cheek and thanked them all for such a wonderful night.

Once I got in I took my heels off and sat down, my feet were aching. Oh well, you know what they say. "Beauty is pain." After my feet stopped throbbing I headed upstairs and was honestly way to tired to shower so I decided i'd do it when I woke up and threw on a really big tee shirt that belonged to my dad, crawled into bed and texted Harry before dosing off.

"Hi baby, I just wanted to say thank you for an absolutly amazing 2 days. You make me so happy, and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Goodnight handsome. xxx <3 (:" I texted him before finally letting the tiredness overcome me.

I just hoped my dreams were as good as the last two days I had.

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