The News

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Michaela' POV

As I arrived to school I still couldn't shake the thoughts about what Harry had to tell me. Was he breaking up with me? Had he cheaten on me? Every possible solution was running through my mind, again making it impossible to pay attention to ANYTHING in school.

During lunch time my friends knew something was up, so I told them...everything. They were so shocked I was dating the one and only Harry Styles.

"Sorry guys, I wasn't planning on telling you this i'm just so scared I had to vent..." I apologized.

They replied with comforting responses, this is my the people who were my friends, were my friends. They're so amazing and supportive. They all agreed to keep it on the down low as I didn't need the drama.

My day came to an end and I was so scared I felt like I was going to throw up any minute.

I was approaching the are that Harry told me to meet him at and I saw his black, shiny Range Rover. Boy, was he inlove with that car.

"H- hi..." I greeted him awkwardly.

"Hello." He responded. "Wanna go to the park?" He asked.

"Uhm, sure." I replied.

As we drove to the park it was quiet... not a comforting quiet, an awkward quiet. I was still extremely nervous about the "news" he had to tell me, and I was starting to get pissed off that the car ride seemed longer than it should have.

"Well, we're here." He said to me as he pulled up into the park parking lot.

"So, sorry if i'm inpatient but quite frankly I can't wait anymore for this 'news' so just spit it out already!" I snapped.

His mouth opened slightly as he was at loss of words due to my outburst.

"....I i'm sorry, i've just been so worried and scared all day I just want to get this over with, but I didn't have to snap at you like that... i'm sorry." I tried giving him a comforting smile.

"No, you're right I shouldn't have waited this long to tell you... we're going back to London in a few days..." He finally spit out.

"In a few days like... how many days?!" I asked.

"Few days as in... like... 2 days." He said quietly.

"How long have you known?" I asked as calmly as I possibly could.

"Uhm, a week or so." He replied.

"Want me to be honest?" I asked him.

"Ofcourse, always!" He replied.

"I'm honestly crushed and a tad bit pissed off. Not at the fact that you're going back to London, this is your job and i'm alright with that. Its the fact that you KNEW before even asking me to be your girlfriend and waited until the last 2 days to tell me?!" I yelled sternly.

"Michaela... i'm sorry." He said.

"Look, just take me home." I replied.

Harrys POV

Man.... I really hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her like this, I thought telling her sooner would hurt more... guess I was wrong.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about this..?" I asked her.

"Talk about what exactly Harry?" She replied with a pissed off tone.

"Are you... still my girlfriend? Will you stay with me while i'm gone?" I asked nervous to hear her response.

"Can I tell you something Harry, something i'd never ever expect to tell someone at this point in my life." She asked.

"Anything." I replied.

"This morning I woke up after crying myself to sleep because you kept me waiting all night, I was scared, and worried because I care about you.. alot. Well I was late to school because I forgot to set my alarm but my mom knew I was crying because of my tear stained cheeks, we talked and you wanna know what she said to me?" She asked.

I nodded yes.

"She said to me 'I think you love him', and ya know what? Maybe I do, because if I didn't I dont think this would hurt as bad as it does, it's not just the fact that you're leaving it's the fact that I won't be able to hold you, or touch you, or kiss you, or any of that... and it's killing me just thinking about it because Harry... I do love you, i've loved you for months. I've known what type of person you are but when we actually met and started talking I realized you are 10 times better in reality than who they say you are online." She said.

Before I could even think of what to reply she added "I forgive you."

Still at loss of words I just grabbed her face and kissed her, it was the most passionate kiss i've ever experienced. This girl is truly amazing... it's mind boggling how she's mine... out of 7 billion people in the world she chose me.

"I love you." I finally muttered.

"I love you too." She replied before pecking my lips once more before sitting back into her seat.

"Let's get you home." I said.

Michaelas' POV

We finally arrived at my house and I gave Harry a quick peck on the lips then headed off to the door of my house.

"Mooooommm?!" I yelled.

"In here!" She responded.

"How'd it go?!" She asked.

I told her everything, me and my mom may not be close but there are just some things you have to tell your mother! I told her about my school day, my friends knowing, me snapping, me telling him I loved him, me forgiving him, and so on.

"Ah, i'm so happy my little girl finally found a good guy! Dinner will be ready in 10 your father said." She told me.

"Alright, i'm just going for a quick shower!" I yelled down the stairs as I headed for my bed room, I grabbed my pajamas and headed off for the bathroom.

Whilst in the shower I thought everything through and was quite happy with my life at the moment. I admitted my love for Harry Styles, he wasn't creeped out or anything infact he felt the same way! Everything was just good in my life, for once my smile was real.

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