Chapter 7

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Neil - ( on call ) I.P.S officer Neil Khanna reporting sir. If it's possible can we do video call sir.

Video call starts

Neil - Jai hind sir.

Commissioner- Jai hind . Neil is  everything going well ?

Neil - Sir this place is surrounded by mysteries.

Commissioner - What do you mean Neil ?

Neil - I guess there's  alot of missing links that we were not  able to get through our research. Anand Mehta is out of town, so this is the right time to get information regarding human and woman trafficking rackets.

Commissioner- you can check his room right ?

Neil - Not possible sir, IT team is required for hacking the cctv footages. Till now there is no sign of them . I need them as soon as possible as I have only one week in my hands.

Commissioner- I will make sure that they start  their work from tomorrow onwards so that we can utilise the time we are having. By the way have you checked security measures of his mansion ?

Neil- Not way much strong sir.  The cctv camera of this area are malfunctioned.  I discovered it last night. So if this is neglected then it's not much difficult to breach their security . We only need one help from his home then our mission will become easier.

Commissioner- As if someone will help you there .

Neil - There is one person who can help me sir.

Commissioner - Who ?

Neil - Avni Mehta, daughter of Anand Mehta.

Commissioner - You must be joking right Neil ? Why she would help you by going against her father.

Neil  - She is already against her father.  She hates Anand Mehta. Even she wants his destruction.

Commissioner - Can you please explain .

Neil explains him everything excluding their moments obviously 😉.

Commissioner - Still we can't trust her .

Neil - I guess she have undergone much pain. She can be trusted .

Commissioner - But how you will approach her. I guess you can use your charm for winning her trust not very intense still a bit of can help .

Neil - No sir, That's not the right way.
( in mind ) I fucking feel for her so I won't do anything like that with my Avni. My Avni.. Gosh !! You have already became smitten lover Neil.

Commissioner- Then how you will do that.

Neil - That I will think. You tell IT team to be ready. I will contact them when needed.

Commissioner - Okay Neil!! Jai Hind and take care .

Neil - Jai Hind sir .

Video call ends.

Morning time.

All the goons woke up from their slumber. Everyone was amazed that how everyone was sleeping last night. They decided to keep it as secret or else Anand would kill them.

Neil comes inside Avni's room and saw her standing in the balcony.

Avni - I was waiting for you.

Neil - Why ?

Avni - Mind join for a bike ride. I want to go to mall for purchasing some stuffs .

Neil - Sure .

Neil was confused cos of her calm behaviour.

They both go into garage. Avni drives the bike while Neil sits behind her. The ride was silent. Avni's silence was bothering Neil. Finally they reach mall.

At mall

Avneil goes into woman's clothes shop as Avni wants to purchase some dresses. Avni was in changing room while Neil was standing outside the room.

Neil - ( in mind ) Why she is silent ? Is everything alright with her ?

His chain of thoughts were broken by Avni.

Avni- ( from changing room ) Hey Mr.bodyguard come inside . ( whispers while peeping through the door .)

Neil - What ? Why ? ( amazed )

Avni - Gosh !! My zipper have been struck so I need help.

Neil - Okay okay .

He goes inside. Avni turns her back towards him. His eyes  darkened when he saw her bare back.

Avni - Wanna have some fun ( raspy  voice) .

Neil - I won't mind though ( smirks ) .

Neil rubs his fingers on her bare back.

Neil - ( whispers ) you are so soft Avni.

He turns her around and start giving her open mouth kisses on her neck. She was moaning his name.

Avni - Neil !! ( moans )

Neil pulls up her top and sits on his knees. He bites her navel while her breath gets laboured. He pulls her down to his level and gives a trail of wet kisses on her cheeks, earlobe. He pecks her lips and pulls down her top revealing her cleavage . He sucks her cleavage and gives a lovebite there. She pushes him away and holds his collar.

Avni - ( whispers ) You really feel something for me .

Neil - ( whispers ) Yes..

Avni- You won't break my heart ?

Neil - Never .

Avni - You go outside, I will come.

Neil nods and went outside. After sometime Avni comes and they leaves from there.

Avni was driving bike while Neil was sitting behind.

Neil - ( in mind ) You really mean alot to me Avni and I will never break your heart. The day I will free myself from all the useless commitments that day I will tell the entire world that you are mine.

Avni stops the bike and they both get down . They were in some barren land. Avni was standing there with her back facing Neil.

Neil - Why are we here ?

Avni - For your confession.

Neil - confession? ( confused) .

Avni turns towards him and smirks.

Avni- I wasn't knowing that my Mr.not so innocent bodyguard is an undercover cop . ( smirks ) .

Neil was astonished.

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Much love
Thanks 💞

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