Chapter 28

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A dark room was shown and a girl was lying on the floor unconscious. Her hands were tied and her mouth was covered with a cloth. A girl was an evil smirk lingering on her face enters the room and throw ice cold  water on the girl lying unconscious on the ground. The girl gains consciousness and gets up with a jolt. The girl removes cloth from her mouth but her hands were still tied.

Girl - Welcome to hell Avni. ( smirks )

Avni - Mithali. ( shock ).

Mithali - Yes baby. How are you ? Do you like this dark room. Dark ( laughs evily ) just like your fate. Avni Mehta oops only Avni right ( dramatically ). What's your aspiration ? Huh !! To become Mrs. Neil Khanna.

Avni chuckles at her statement.

Avni - Look who's asking my aspiration. ( sarcastically ). The person who is rotating like a pendulum between Neil and Vidyut is asking me about my relationship status. You know what Mithali there is something in this world called "character" ( air quotes character ) and you don't even have a bit of this trait so please don't try to judge my aspirations and all. You know you are not of my level and Avni don't talk with substandard people. ( smirks ).

Mithali - Shut up. ( yelled ).

Avni - Well, I can't pull my shirt up as my hands are tied and why are you so interested in me. Huh !! Wait wait, please don't tell me you are a part time Lisbon as well. ( laughs ).

Mithali - Avni stay in your limits. ( anger ).

Avni - Avni always think beyond limits. Ending of your so called limits mark the beginning of my action. Your ending point is my starting point. So please don't play with wrong triggers. ( smirks )

Mithali - Fire huh !! ( smirks ). No doubt, why Neil is so obsessed with you ?

Avni - It's not obsession baby, it's love but a maniac like you can't understand this term. ( smirks ).

Mithali - ( laughs evily ) Yeah yeah !! When it comes to obsession then I can explain this term with the most common example called Vidyut. You remember na what he did with you during your childhood. ( smirks ).

Though Avni was hurt with this statement as Mithali scratched her most sensitive wounds but Avni never shows her vulnerable self to her enemies.

Avni - ( chuckles ) And what he did with you ? Treated you like a piece of shit.

Mithali fumes in anger.

Avni - You know what, you are just a puppet. You don't even value your own self. For Neil, you don't even exist and for Vidyut, you are just a use and throw material. You yourself have thrown your self respect in the garbage. ( sternly ).

Mithali - Yeah !! Right !! I threw my self respect in the garbage. I accept that but what about you. Now, you will throw your dignity away from yourself. When our clients will warm their beds with you, you will scream for help, you will beg them to leave you but they won't show any mercy at you. That will be your downfall. ( laughs evily ).

Mithali expected some change in Avni's expression but Avni started laughing loudly.

Avni - What the fuck !! ( while laughing ). Mithali, after listening your statements,I am pretty much sure that you don't know me. Do you really think anyone will come and boss around me and I like a typical fragile doll will surrender myself in a hope that my prince charming will come one day and rescue me from their evil clutches. Messing around me is not that easy baby. If your clients want to sacrifice their manhood, then send them to me and about begging, I never beg, I earn. And do you really think that Neil will let you  harm his Avni, if yes then I pity you because he  will find me, that too very soon. Mark my words. ( sternly ).

Mithali anger knew no bounds, she slapped her hard. Avni falls on the ground and blood was oozing from the corner of  her lips, still she was laughing.

Avni - ( tasting some blood from her lips ) My blood group is B+ve but blood's taste is not that good. Right ?

Mithali looks at her with are you serious look.

Avni - What ? Why are you staring at me like this, as if, as if you gonna eat me up. ( she says dramatically ). You know what I remembered my school days, when I was a kid and used to fight for pretty small things. Fighting with you is not less than fighting with a kid. ( smirks ).

Mithali again looks at her in frustration.

Avni - What happened Mithali ? ( she asks cutely along with a pout ) You won't oppose my words. ( pouts ).

Mithali - Just shut up bitch. ( yelled ).

Avni - Bitch better have my money. ( she started singing ). Have you listened this song. It's sung by Rihanna.

Mithali - Are you serious ? You are kidnapped here and you are talking about songs and all. ( frustrated ).

Avni - Oh my God !! ( widened eyes and says dramatically ) I am kidnapped, please save me. Omg !! How I will save myself ? Help, help someone help. Please someone save me from this house lizard. Oh God!! I have been kidnapped by a house lizard. ( dramatically ).

Suddenly she bursts into laughter.

Avni - I told you that you are not of my level so I won't harm you. Don't worry. Okay ?

Mithali -  ( she started roaming around her ) Just few days Avni. Your bad time will begin soon and believe me you will be left broken.

Mithali started laughing and turns her back towards Avni.

Avni freed herself from the ropes and stand up.

Mithali turned towards her and Avni slaps her on her face. Mithali falls down.

Avni - Never mess with me or else I will make your life a living hell. ( anger ).

Mithali was about to say something but they both stopped when they heard someone's laughter. They both looked in the direction from where the voice was coming.

Person - ( laughing ) What happens when a prey fall in the trap ? Well, the hunter is always happy. Now you both will watch my games.

Avni was shocked after watching the person standing in front of her. She was rooted at her spot, she was numb. She was having blank expressions on her face while Mithali was confused.

Person comes forward and slaps Mithali.

Person - Why the hell you slapped her ? Huh !! You know how much valuable she is. No doubt you are a trash but Avni is a diamond. A diamond who will add four moons in my brothel business.

Avni - ( in mind ) Shweta Khanna, Neil's mother. Is she the mastermind of all this trap ? ( unbelievable look ).

Yes, the person standing infront of them was Shweta Khanna urf Neil's mother.


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks 💝

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