Chapter 36 ( Flashback 2 )

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They both looked into each other's eyes and held each other's hand as they don't want to leave each other alone at this phase, Neil assured Avni through his eyes that she will be safe.  They both were on the edge of cliff, so they fell down in the sea while holding each other's hands. Sheetal laughed at the scene and left from there.

Neil was holding Avni's hand all this while and they both fell into the sea. Two scuba divers which were arranged by DD came and held avneil. The divers bring them on the surface of water.

Neil - Are you okay Avni ? ( concerned ).

Avni - Yeah !! I am. ( panting )

Neil held her hand and brings her towards him. Avni clings to him and closes her eyes in fear. Neil pats her hairs lovingly. He presses a kiss in her hairs and let his lips linger on her scalp for a long time. Avni's fear finally came to an end and she smiles at Neil while Neil smiles back.

Scuba diver - Sir, a boat is arranged got both of you. Our men will bring the boat at DD sir's command.

Neil nods.

After 10 minutes, the scuba divers received DD's message who told them to move ahead as Sheetal was gone.

Soon the boat arrived, Neil got inside the boat and pulled Avni along with him. He hugged her tightly as she was shivering and covered them with a cloth provided by divers.

Diver - Sir, ( while forwarding his mobile ) DD sir wants to talk to you.

Neil - ( at call ) Yes DD.

DD - Sir, our men are after Sheetal and we have arranged everything in your beach house. Two dead bodies have been arranged as well.

Neil - Good job DD. Throw the dead bodies in the sea and make sure they have bullet wound on their chest.

DD - Yes sir.

Call ends.

Soon avneil came on the seashore and a car was kept ready there. They both sat in the car and Neil drove it towards his beach house. Soon they both arrived there and got in.

Avni was shivering badly. Neil noticed this.

Neil - Avni are you Okay ? ( concerned )

Avni - Yeah Neil, I got wet that's why ... ( Neil cuts her off ).

Neil - Come with me.

He took her inside his bedroom and pulled out his shirt from his wardrobe for her.

Avni - Only this ? ( shocked )

Neil - Yeah !! You are reacting as if I never saw you... well you know.. Right ? ( smirks ).

Avni - Actually I don't trust your hormones, that's why I was asking about this.

Neil pouts.

Neil - You are hot. It's your fault not mine.

Avni - Oh really !! ( rolls her eyes ).

Neil - Avni now change into this or else you will catch cold.

Avni takes the shirt.

Avni - What ? ( she saw him staring at her ).

Neil - What ? ( innocently )

Avni - Why are you standing here like a statue ?

Neil - To stare you. ( smirking ).

Avni - You shameless brat. ( fake anger )

Neil - Only for you baby. ( winks at her ).

Avni - Neil .. ( gritted her teeth )

Neil - Avni. ( lovingly )

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