Chapter 33

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Neil - ( teary eyes ) Maa... ( choked voice ).

The lady immediately raises her head after listening her son's voice and smiles within tears.

Shweta - Neil... ( teary eyes ).

Neil and Avni move forward and free her from the ropes. Neil hugs Shweta tightly while Avni adores their bond lovingly.

Shweta - ( while hugging ) Please take me away from here Neil. Please. ( crying ).

Neil pats her back gently.

Neil - Don't worry mom, I will take you away from here. ( teary eyes ).

Shweta breaks the hug and looks at Avni.

Shweta - Who is she ?

Neil - She is Avni mom. You know mom she told me about your whereabouts.

Neil remembers how Avni told him about Shweta.

( Flashback in bold and italics )

Neil - Avni.. Avni are ...are you fine ? ( tears filled eyes ).

Avni - ( weak voice ) Neil....your mom.

Neil - I know Avni. I know.. ( broken voice ).

Avni buries her face in his chest while he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her protectively. Avni was crying while Neil was trying to calm her.

Avni - Neil.. ( broken voice ).

Neil - I am here baby. I am here. ( teary eyes ).

Avni - Your mom is held captivated in Anand's oldest farmhouse. Her twin sister Sheetal is running this brothel.

Neil - I knew about Sheetal masi as Vidyut told me but how you got to know about mom's whereabouts ?

Avni - Mithali told me. ( faintly ).

Avni was wincing in pain while Neil was shattered after watching her condition.

( Read chapter no. 31 if you aren't able to connect with this flashback scene.)

Flashback ends.

Neil - I love her mom. ( teary eyes ). She is my everything.

Shweta held Avni's hand and Avni sits beside her.

Shweta - Finally my Neil found his better half. What else a mother wants ? I am very happy for you both. ( teary eyes.)

Shweta hugged Avni and Neil.

Shweta - ( after breaking the hug ) Neil, Vidyut is here. He is Anand's son.

Avni and Neil were shocked.

Neil - Vidyut is here. He ran away from police custody. How is this possible ?

Shweta - He came here few hours before. He was keeping a check on me. Now he went outside. We should run away from here.

Neil and Avni nods.

They all got up and went outside.

Avni - Neil how will be catch Vidyut ?

Neil - Don't worry he will be caught soon.

They stopped in their tracks after listening to a voice.

Voice - If you want you can catch me right now. ( smirks ).

They turned behind and spotted Vidyut standing there with an evil smirk lingering on his face. He came forward and threw tear gas in front of them. Avneil's vision got blurry and weren't able to see anything due to gas, Vidyut took advantage of this situation and carried Avni on his shoulder, he started running away. Avni was trying to get rid of him but she wasn't able to do so as she was already wounded and he was way much strong.

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