Chapter 38

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Back to reality. ( Chapter 34 continued )


Avni - That's how we trapped you. How was our plan ? ( smirks ).

Sheetal was flabbergasted with their sharp brains.

Mithali was having tears in her eyes after witnessing her father that too after so many days. She ran towards him and was about to hug him but he stopped her by showing his palm strictly gesturing her to stop in her tracks. Mithali became confused.

Mithali - I am sorry dad. I know... I know very well ( while crying ) I betrayed you but I...I....

She wasn't able to complete her sentence and everyone heard a cracking sound. Mithali held her right cheek with her palm and fresh tears were formed in her eyes. This was first time in her life, she received a slap from her father. Yes, commissioner sir slapped her fiercely and his eyes were showing only one emotion, that was anger. Anger for his own daughter.

Mithali - ( broken voice ) Dad.... ( teary eyes ).

Commissioner - Don't ( sternly ). Don't you dare to call me your dad. The day you started plotting against your own dad, you lost your dad. Now, there is no relation between us except a criminal and police officer. ( sternly ).

Mithali - I am sorry dad. Please forgive me. ( crying ).

Commissioner - Sorry ( laughs sarcastically ). Do you think a sorry can justify your deeds Mithali ? Can your sorry justify the troubles faced by Avni and Neil ? Being a girl, you were ready to sell other girl just for the sake of your dark obsession, now I will ask you, How were you feeling when you stood infront of the clients who wanted to buy you ? You felt the pain that every girl undergoes, Right ? Then how can you think of pushing Avni into this situation ? Can your sorry justify the situation of Khanna family ? They don't even know where Shweta is ? Sorry can't heal everything. And you ( anger ), you are a criminal. You will get the punishment that Sheetal, Vidyut, Anand and their gang will get. You are no one to me now and I will arrest you for violating the laws and helping these criminals in their crimes.

Commissioner - ( to lady constable ) Arrest Sheetal and Mithali. ( to other officers ) Arrest the entire criminal gang present here.

Everyone was arrested, Mithali was totally numb and Sheetal started laughing evily. Everyone was confused.

Sheetal - ( while laughing ) I still won.

Neil - What do you mean ? ( sternly ).

Sheetal - You destroyed me Neil Khanna but you will have to pay a price in return. Today ( laughing ), today you will loose someone very dear to you. ( laughing ).

Everyone was shocked.

Avni - Where is Shweta aunty ? ( yelled at her ).

Sheetal was laughing. Neil and Avni were fuming in anger.

Neil - Tell me where is my mom ? ( yelled on top of his voice ).

Sheetal - I wanted to kill your entire family but luck was not on my side but your mom will pay for my destruction, Neil Khanna. ( smirks ).
( in mind ) if luck favours me then maybe entire Khanna family will pay the price. ( smirks ).

Neil couldn't control himself, he held her neck and was suffocating her.

Neil - ( fuming in anger ) Tell me, where is my mom. Answer me dammit. ( roared at her ).

Officers were trying to stop him as Sheetal was becoming breathless. Avni came forward and pulled Neil towards herself but Neil wasn't leaving Sheetal.

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