Chapter 20

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Avni woke up in the morning and saw Neil sleeping there peacefully. She smiles while admiring his cute face and plants a soft kiss on his forehead. She wear her clothes and hides the hickies properly. She covered Neil and went towards kitchen not before locking the room's door.

In kitchen

Avni was preparing coffee and saw a goon coming there.

Goon - Give me the ice pack. ( he said to servant ).

Servant - Wait for 2 minutes.

Goon - Listen, give me ice pack or else Anand sir will kill me.

Avni suppress her laughter as she remembered what Neil did yesterday.

The servant gave him ice pack and he  ran from there. Avni chuckles. She was about to leave but stopped in her way when she heard some notification tune. She saw that guard's mobile was lying on the kitchen slab. She looked around to confirm that nobody was seeing her and checked the notification, she was shocked to the core. She kept his  mobile back on the slab when she listened some footsteps approaching towards the kitchen. The guard came inside for taking his mobile so Avni pretended to do some work.

After he left, she ran towards her room. She came inside and locked the door.

Avni - Neil.. ( waking him up ) Neil please wake up, Neil ...

Neil stirs in sleep.

Neil - ( sleepy voice ) What happened wild beauty ?

Avni - Neil please get up, it's very important.

Neil  woke up as he sensed that she was upset. He cupped her face.

Neil - What happened Avni ? Why are you scared ? ( concerned ).

Avni - Neil, go and freshen up. We both are in problem.

Neil - Stay calm Avni. Whatever it is we will sort it out. Okay

Avni nods.

Neil - You go and sit in balcony, I will join you after 10 minutes.

Avni was waiting for Neil. She hugged him when he came back. He hugged her and pats her back.

Neil - What happened Avni ? ( He breaks the hug and made her sit. )

Avni - Neil, Vidyut is coming back tomorrow.

Neil - ( shocked ) What ?

Avni- Yes.

Neil - How do you get to know ?

Avni - I saw his message on Anand's bodyguard's mobile. No one in the house knows about his arrival, only Anand knows about this and he shares his every detail with his special bodyguard.

Neil - If he will arrive here then our plan would be spoiled.

Avni - Exactly, now what should we do ? ( nervous ).

Neil - Like seriously Avni, you are nervous about his comeback. The one who is not afraid of anyone.

Avni - I am not afraid of him. He just make me go through those bitter memories again which I hate the most. He is the root cause of my problems Neil.

Neil - Don't worry Avni. I won't let him spoil our plan.

Avni - What are you upto ?

Neil - Listen to me very carefully.

Neil tells her his plan, Avni smirks.

Avni - Mr. Hot stuff let's do it. Our teamwork rocks. ( smirks ).

Neil - Sure wild beauty. 


Next day

Neil - Avni everything is ready.

Avni - Anand have gone to his farmhouse as his essential papers are missing.

Neil - Where you kept those papers Ms. Wild beauty ? ( smirks )

Avni - To our lab.

They remember how they stole his important papers last night and send the pic of those papers on his  number
from an unknown number in order to scare him, so that his attention gets diverted from Vidyut's comeback and he indulge himself in finding papers and making arrangements for the party.

Avni - Have you destroyed the SIM card  through which we send him those pics ?

Neil- Yes.

Avni - Your staff will be disguised as caterers and dancers.

Neil - Yes, with your help they all have entered here safely. When we will go on our mission they will keep a check here.

Avni - Neil ( looking at her wrist watch ) Vidyut's flight will be landing after half an hour, we should leave now. After that we have to make a proper plan for evening's party.

Avni and Neil left from the mansion secretly and ordered Neil's staff members to inform them the happenings in Mehta mansion .

International airport

Vidyut flight lands and he came out after completing the formalities. He smiles evily.

Vidyut - Avni !! ( closes his eyes ) I am here baby. I will be coming soon for claiming what's mine. Wait for me my love.  ( smirks ) but before that I have to keep a check on Neil's mission, I have to be sure if he is planning against my dad or not.

He sat in the car and his bodyguards were following him on their respective bikes.

When they covered certain distance and reached an empty road, someone dropped smoke bombs in front of the vehicles and everyone stopped driving due to the smoke which was  splendid everywhere. The guards were coughing and weren't able to open their eyes, Vidyut came out from his car and wasn't able to understand what's happening around him.

Two people with covered faces came from behind and injected some chemical in Vidyut's body, he became unconscious. The bodyguards saw this and ran towards their direction as smoke's effect was reduced. One of the person dragged Vidyut along with him and the other person stood there for fighting the guards. The guards surrounded her and she being Lady don beat the hell out of them. One guard was about to attack her from behind but he fell on the floor wincing in pain as someone attacked him before he can attack his ladylove.

( The two people were Avneil. So simple 😉😉.)

Neil tied all the bodyguards and kept them in the other car which DD will drive and they both placed Vidyut in their car. They all started driving towards their destination without wasting any more time.

They reached there after sometime. It was a small house in an isolated area. They tied the guards in one room and tied Vidyut into another room.

The house was under police security.

Neil and Avni came out.

Neil - let the game begin. ( smirks ).

Avni - We will be the winners. ( smirks )

( Readers who are waiting for update of "Rejected by everyone accepted by them", I will try to update it tomorrow. Actually after writing two updates of "Victims of Destiny", I wasn't having enough courage to write an update of that ff. My mind was total emotional mess. Sorry for delay.)

( I have given an introduction of my new story "Paranormal love", it will be a dark story and I want your reviews on that plot so that I can get to know if it's upto the mark or not. I haven't tried my hand on such stories so do check it once in case you haven't read it.)

( About this update, well it's a build-up update for upcoming chapters. Are you guys ready for twist and turns ? )

Much love
Thanks 💖

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