Chapter 12

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( Mature content ahead . Skip if not comfortable.)

Neil was approaching towards  her lips while she closes her eyes in anticipation. His hot breath was fanning on her skin sending shivers down her spine. He kissed the corner of her mouth, she opens her eyes slowly.

Neil- This is what I feel Avni, i want to love you but not in the heat of moment. I want mutualisation between us. I want that you should drown into our moment of passion equally and not consider this as a mistake or one night stand when you wake up in the morning with me holding you in my arms. I will proceed only if I will get your consent, when I will get confirmation that you also feel the same for me. What you want Avni? Tell me ?

Avni- But Mithali.  ( She says in lower voice ).

Neil - She is nothing but a clingy bitch for me. I don't want to discuss regarding her, I only wanted to discuss our relation Avni. Only me and you.

Avni gets emotional and crashes her lips on his, not in the heat of moment but for showing her love for him. He reciprocates with equal passion . They were kissing passionately, Neil bit her lower lip but she didn't let him enter her mouth so he pulls down her jeans and caress her vagina from above her panty. She moans and opens her mouth giving him chance which he didn't miss. Their tongue were fighting for dominance, their hormones were making them loose control.  On one side she was getting wet for him while he was sure that she can feel his hard against her stomach. They breaks their kiss due to lack of air but Neil continued his work of kissing her neck, giving love bites to her while she was moaning in pleasure. He slides down her top leaving her in bra and in response she removes his shirt. Now she cage him between wall and her arms and kisses his neck, throat then gives a trail of kisses and love bites from his chest to his perfect toned abs. She unbottons his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. Both were drooling in desires, lust but their love was dominating their each and every thought and emotion.

Neil again push her against wall and starts kissing her bossoms, she threw her head back in pleasure while he wanted to feel each and every inch of her body. He squeezes her curves and sat down on his knees kissing her navel hardly while she moans his name pulling him closer to her through his hairs. He gets up and again claim her lips into a needy kiss, the kiss was wild with emotions overflowing from both the sides, he snakes her legs around his waist and kisses her wildly. After breaking the kiss they both were panting hardly with their lips swollen and their neck and upper body covered with hickies.

Neil - ( while panting ) What you want Avni  ?

Avni - ( panting ) you.

Neil - ( whispers ) Are you sure?

Avni - I am (whispers ) .

With that he carries her in bridal style and places her on the bed. He hovers over her making sure that he didn't put all his weight on her. They shared an intense eyelock with so many emotions playing in their heart for each other.

Neil- ( whispers in her ears ) You trust me this much that you are ready to give yourself to me.

Avni - I never trusted anyone this much Neil ( whispers ).

Neil smiles and place soft kisses in the crook of her neck.

Avni - Never break my heart Neil. Please.. ( breathe hitched).

Neil - ( speaking against her skin ) I will never do that Avni. 

Avni- We will be together right ?

He lifts his head from her neck and meets her eyes.

Neil - The day I will get myself free from all the useless commitments, that day Avni. That day I will tell the world that you are mine only mine.

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