Chapter 14

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( Mature content ahead. Skip if not comfy. )

They both move towards lift. Once the lift is closed, Neil pins Avni against the wall and Kisses her hungrily  while she reciprocates with equal hunger.
She held his hairs tightly and pulled him more closer while he hikes up her dress and traces her soft thighs. He slid his one finger into her core, she gasps and opens her mouth. He slid his tongue inside her mouth, thus tasting her sweet nectar. The lift door opens and they move apart panting heavily. They both moves into parking zone and Neil again pins Avni against their car and starts kissing her hardly, she responds equally, they broke their kiss after few minutes but Neil is not done yet. He dips his face in the crook of her neck, kissing there fiercely, giving love bites to her while she kept on moaning his name with laboured breath.

Avni - ( breathing heavily) Neil we need to go home or else anyone may see us here.

Neil - ( speaks against her neck ) I won't be able to drive. I am totally out of control.

Avni - I know... ( laboured breath ) Just wait for sometime. I will drive .. okay ..

Neil - Okay done...

Neil sits on passenger's seat while Avni starts driving.

Neil- Can't we continue in the car itself.

Avni - I don't want to take any risk.

Neil - That fucking bulldog.... ( annoyed).

Avni smirks.

Avni- Sexual frustration can also make you abuse your respected sir...

Neil - Oh please that bullshit is not my sir...

Avni chuckles while Neil squeezes  her breasts from above her dress.

Avni - Neil don't... I will loose control. 

Neil - Drive fast baby ..... ( He bites her earlobe).

Avni - I am already driving at the speed of 100...

Neil- And I am trying to control myself so badly...

Avni - That I can see... feeling is mutual....  ( winks at him ).

They both reach home and goes to Avni's room. Neil locks the door and crashes his lips against Avni's lips hardly. Avni Steps backwards. They were way much engrossed in their kiss that they didn't even realised that they reached the washroom.

Neil kisses her neck and tears her dress. He pushed the shower button in the heat of the moment and the water starts dripping down from the shower's nozzle. Avni tears his shirt and he removes her lingerie. Neil starts placing wet kissing on her chest while she gasps. He sucks her breast while she moans in pleasure. He turns her, now her back was facing his chest and they both were getting more turned on with every passing minute. The shower water drenching them was adding more heat in their already arisen passion for each other.

Neil places her hairs to one side and starts giving hickies on her shoulder while his hands were squeezing her breasts. Avni turns back and cage Neil between wall and herself. She places a trail of kisses on his neck and chest while her hands unbuckles his pant and she removes his boxers as well. Neil holds Avni tightly by her waist while she was biting his neck. Neil was drawing random patterns on her waist and back. He plays with her belly button while she gasps. Avni holds his organ in her hand and squeezes it slightly, he moans.

Neil - Shit !!.... I want to be inside you. ( He whispers).

Avni- I won't allow you that easily . ( She says in husky voice.)

Neil- Oh really !! ( husky voice ).

Avni- Yeah !! You have to earn it. ( smirks ).

Neil pulls her more closer and bends down on his knees and place a soft kiss into her core.

Avni - Ahhhhh!!..... ( moans )

Neil traces his lips upwards and Kisses her navel, then takes her one breast into his mouth. He sucks her breast and bites her nipple making her mad in pleasure.. 

Avni- That's amazing .... Gosh!! .. ahhh.... ( moans ) ... ahh  Neil !! ...

He did the same with her other breast... while she was getting more wet. She can feel his hard against her stomach....

Neil - Now also you won't allow... ( panting heavily )....

Avni - Noo.... ( whispers ).

Neil smirks and crashes his lips against her roughly and after breaking the kiss he slide 3 figures into her core... He started thrusting harder through his fingers.

Avni - Ahhh Neil... ahh... harder Neil ...

Neil increased his pace..

Avni- Right there... ahhh..

Neil stopped thrusting her while she looked at him.

Avni- I want you inside me .. ( whispers ).

Neil- What you want? ( whispers )...

Avni- I want you inside me ...  ( whispers ).

Neil - Say loudly....

Avni - I want to feel you around my walls..

Neil - I won't do that ... ( He teases her ).

She kisses him roughly and dominates in their passionate kiss. After breaking the kiss Neil lifts Avni and turns off the shower. He walks out of the washroom with Avni in his protective arms. He places her on the couch and wears his protection. He propped himself upon Avni making sure that he's not putting his whole weight on her body..

Neil - Are you ready ?

Avni nods.

Neil enters her swiftly while she moans but keeps hand on her mouth for suppressing her moans..

Neil - Why are you covering you mouth .. ( laboured breath )

Avni- Guards are outside .. ( laboured breath).

Neil claims her lips in a soft kiss and starts thrusting her harder. Avni was moaning but Neil was suppressing her voice through their kiss.. with harder thrusting the kiss become more wild and Avni held Neil's shoulder tightly for composing herself. Her nails digs inside his skin, this turned on him and he increased his pace. After sometime he comes out and wipes the sweat beads from Avni's forehead. They both were breathing heavily. Neil gets up from the couch and lifts Avni in his arms. He takes her to the bed and place her on top of him. He covers them with duvet and Kisses her forehead while she smiles against his chest . Soon they both drifted into sleep..

After few hours, Neil's mobile rings and he stirs in sleep.

Neil saw the caller id.  It was commissioner sir. He reverts the call.

Neil - Sir .. ( He was talking slowly so that Avni sleep doesn't gets disturb.)

Commissioner - Neil any progress ?

Neil - Sir, I will message you everything tomorrow and I don't need any IT team as Avni is an expert hacker so she can help us with that.

Commissioner- Neil are you sure that Avni is a trustworthy girl ?

Neil - The girl who survived between her culprits can't play any double games with us.

Commissioner- Okay Neil. I trust you. So tell me if you want any help.

Neil - Sure sir..

Call ends.

Neil caress Avni's hairs as she was clinging to him as if her life depends on him. He places a soft kiss on her hairs and let the sleep take over him.

( Here it ends . Do drop your views. )

Much love
Thanks 💝

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