Chapter 18

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( Sorry for late update. Hope that you guys have not lost the link with this story. You can read chapter 17  once again before reading this chapter in order to connect with the story.)

By the way how many of you missed Ms. Wild beauty and Mr. Hot stuff ?

Anand gets confused when he saw no security outside his room.

Anand - Something is wrong. Go and check cctv footage of this area.

Guard - Yes sir.

After sometime he comes back.

Guard - Sir, footage have been tampered.

Another guard comes running there.

Guard - Sir the guard who were having duties on this floor are laying unconscious near balcony.

Anand - What ? ( shocked. ) something have happened here.

He opens the locker and checked all the papers.

Anand - All the papers are fine.

Client- I don't think anything happened  then.

Anand - Are you mad or what. How can you say that cctv footage are tampered, guards are lying unconscious. Still you are saying that nothing have happened  here. ( He yells at him.)

Anand - Someone was there but what was the motive of his arrival.

Guard - Sir no-one knows about your illegal business. You have a very clean image among people.

Anand - One person know about my illegal business. Robin bring the car, I want to go somewhere.

Anand - ( to client ) we will seal this deal some other day.

Client- Okay fine.

Anand left along with his guards.

At cafe

Anand enters and found Avni sitting on one of the table sipping her coffee while reading a novel. Neil was sitting on the opposite chair. He too was having coffee. Then he saw some utensils lying on their table with some leftover food in them.

Anand - ( in mind ) I guess they are here since morning.

He goes into cctv room and found that cctv cameras were off in the morning.The security guard was not there as he went to washroom. He got suspicious and approached manager.

Anand - ( to manager ) See I am ready to give you the desirable amount of money but on one condition.

Manager - Which condition sir ?

Anand - Look there, ( pointing towards avneil's table ). Are they  sitting here since morning or they went somewhere in between especially that girl.

Manager - Sir they are sitting here since morning.

Anand - Okay!! I hope so you are saying the truth.

Manager - Yes sir.

Anand - What happened to your cctv setup ?

Manager - Sir, cctv cameras are malfunctioning. Cameras will be repaired today itself.

Anand - Okay..

Anand pulls out a cheque from his pocket and gave it to manager. Manager took the cheque happily. Anand went towards avneil.

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