Chapter 34

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It's been 3 days since that dreadful incident took place.

Sheetal Verma, an evil woman who can destroy other woman's life just for the sake of money is roaming free as there is no one to captivate her. Two strong personalities who dared to trap her suffered the worst due to her cunning brain.

Vidyut is behind the bars as police have enough evidence against him and he will be blessed with life long imprisonment or death penalty. He was never that much strong to stand against the power of love. When the number of sins crosses their end point then a person have to face the almighty who will serve them what they actually deserve. Vidyut have crossed all his limits from raping a child to running illegal business and killing innocent souls, so his jolly time have come to an end and now he have to face the wrath of his bad deeds.

After avneil's death, police officers aren't able to locate Sheetal and Shweta. Khanna family is devastated as they lost Neil and Avni. Though they never saw Avni but they knew how much Neil loves her and they were so excited to meet her. On the other side, Shweta's whereabouts are bothering them. They don't even know if she is fine or not.

DD and other officers are trying their best to locate Sheetal and avneil's dead bodies but aren't getting any lead.

Sheetal is playing her games very cleverly. She is very much sure that avneil are dead as she found 2 dead bodies in the sea. They were wearing the same clothes like avneil but their faces are spoiled as they were drowned in water. They both have been shot in the chest and this proved that they are avneil. When she shot them they fell into the sea, her men started searching them in the sea the very next day. After 2 days of great hardwork, they found their bodies and now Sheetal is sure that no one will interrupt her and she will earn tons of money. Today, she will sell Mithali to the rich clients, who promised to give 30 crore to her while her old clients were giving her 10 crore only. A money minded person will run after money, so she ditched her old clients and decided to sell Mithali to new clients.

Mithali was very guilty, guilty for not believing Avni. If she would have listened to her, she would have  escaped from Sheetal's clutches. She was guilty cos she ditched her own father for her dark obsession towards Vidyut. She is just hoping that some miracle will happen and she will be out of this hell. Alas !! Everything have become complicated.

Mithali's chain of thoughts were broken by a woman precisely the makeup artist who will make her look presentable infront of those clients. Mithali wasn't having any guts to struggle more as she have dug her own grave and now she will be sacrificed as she have played with avneil's life.

The makeup artist made her wear a red coloured dress. The dress was shimmery in appearance and gave a slight view of her cleavage. It barely covered her thighs. She was feeling uncomfortable in this dress but wasn't having any other option. Her hairs were tied in a French twist and her eyes were highlighted with eyeshadow, alot of makeup was done on her face to hide her grief. She was walking like a zombie as she was guilty for doing wrong with avneil and her dad and now she is getting the punishment. The person whom she trusted will destroy her today and the people whom she ditched were the one who would have saved her from this mess. Alas !!  Sometimes realisations happens late and this led to destruction. Same was her case, she was walking towards her destruction and was getting flashes of her wrong deeds.


A classy bar with ravishing arrangements is all set to welcome the rich clients who will drag Mithali along with them in the zone of destruction and Sheetal will be gifted with the bonus for her hard work for making her path cleared from her enemies.

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