Chapter 30

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A thick dense forest which carries least hope of finding correct ways if a person gets lost in this maze. Avni was running in the forest and was panting heavily.

Avni - ( panting ) Its been fucking one hour since I am running here. Damm !! This Mithali. I am sure that goons have caught her again. Why is she so dumb ? Here I was helping her but this dumb headed person. Fuck !! ( frustrated ). I wanted to contact Neil but now it's very difficult for me to do so. This is what you get when you try to help a dumb headed person. Helping her was my worst decision and now I have to face the consequences. ( sighs ).

She again started running in the forest in a hope that she will find some way and get out of this place.

Neil on the other side was searching for Avni along with DD and few police officers. Neil was remembering how this all happened.

( Flashback in italics )

After a passionate night of love, Neil woke up and saw that Avni wasn't there. He searched in the washroom but she wasn't present there. He panicked and called her but found that her mobile was lying on the table. He tried to search for her but failed to do so. He even went to her lab and every other place where she goes but he wasn't able to find her. Since two days she was missing and he was getting depressed but then he found Vidyut's location as he was residing in a hotel located at the outskirts of Mumbai.

Neil sighs after remembering how he is trying to find his lifeline but he wasn't able to do so. On top of that he is betrayed by a close relation, he is already emotionally weak still he is trying to act bold for Avni for his Avni.

Avni was sitting on a rock and was panting heavily. She remembered how Mithali trapped her.

( Flashes in italics )

Avni was sleeping peacefully in Neil's arms but she woke up when she heard a knock on the door. She wore her clothes and covered Neil in a blanket. She went outside and found an envelope. She opened the envelope  and found a pen drive and a letter.

She went to the balcony with her laptop as she didn't wanted to disturb Neil's sleep. She played the pen drive and found a shocking truth.

Someone had planted a time bomb in the Khanna mansion. Avni's eyes widened in fear. She was shocked and wasn't able to anticipate what's happening. She wanted to wake up Neil but before doing that she read the letter which stated that if she will tell Neil about this then the bomb will blast. She was asked to come in a room. Shockingly that was Vidyut's room, where he was about to make a deal with foreign clients. She pulled out the pen drive and kept it in her  pocket. Before moving out she checked the CCTV footage of Vidyut's room as Avni and Neil had planned the entire CCTV setup in his room for recording his deal but she found the screen black.

Avni - Shit !! ( groaned in frustration ) They caught our hidden cameras and tampered the footage. Now, I have to do as they say or else they will harm Neil's family.

She walks towards Neil and kissed his forehead lovingly.

Avni - Noone would be able to harm you or your loved ones when I am here. ( kisses his cheeks ).

When she was about to move away, Neil held her hand in his sleep and pulls her closer. He never want to let her go. She smiles and caress his hairs lovingly, a small smile appears on his face while sleeping. Avni pulls away  her hand from his grip and moves out of the room. As soon as she entered Vidyut's room, someone sprayed some chemical on her and she became unconscious.

Avni - I hope that Neil's family is alright. I am sorry Neil. I will always regret that I took this step without informing you but I didn't want to take any risk when it comes to you and your family. I myself lost my family ( tears brimming from her eyes ) and now I don't want anyone else to feel this pain.

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