Chapter 32

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Double update 😉😉. As I promised.

Neil and Avni were walking in the dense forest.

Avni - Neil, we have to reach Anand's oldest farmhouse as I told you.

Neil - You know its location. Right ?

Avni - Yes. I know.

Neil - We have to get out of this forest only then we would be able to do something else.

After walking for about 2 hours, both located a road from a safe distance but Shweta's men were standing there.

Avni - Now what will we do ?

Neil - We have to distract them.

Avni - But how ?

Neil saw a truck standing at the road. It was a goods carrier filled with fruits cartons.

Neil - Avni look at that truck. We can escape easily.

Avni - Yes Neil. How will be distract them ?

Neil - Let me think.

Avni saw Shweta's guards coming there from opposite direction. They were the same men who were following them yesterday.

Avni - Neil the goons are coming in this direction. Before they see us we have to do something.

Neil - Idea !! We will distract the goons standing outside the forest through these goons.

Avni got confused.

Neil - I will attack them and due to their  screams goon's attention will be diverted. You will hide here and run towards the truck when the men will come here. Okay ?

Avni - You won't fight alone. I will also come there along with you.

Neil - No Avni, you won't come.

Avni - But Neil...

Neil - Avni ( sternly ). See you are already wounded and if you will fight in this condition then your condition will worsen and I don't want that. Please.

Avni nods as she didn't want to create some other rift. Neil kissed her forehead and moved towards goons. Avni hid in a safe place.

Avni - ( in mind ) God !! Please keep my Neil safe. Please.

Neil started fighting with the goons and beat them harshly, the goons screamed due to harsh beatings and due to this the men standing outside came inside the forest and Avni ran away from there and climbed in the truck. She was hoping that Neil will come soon. On the other side, Neil was beating everyone but a goon hit his head with an iron rod. Avni saw this scene and became worried. Neil was losing his consciousness, Avni got down from the truck and went towards the forest.

The men saw her and started running towards her, she started fighting with them and punched them ruthlessly. She gave them good amount of slaps, punches and kicks while she herself was wincing in pain due to her injuries. She was having a rope which she found in the truck. She banged their heads with a tree while beating them and when they were losing their consciousness, she tied them with each other with the help of rope and ran towards Neil. Neil was lying unconscious. She pats his cheeks.

Avni - Neil.. Neil ( teary eyes ). Neil please get up. Please.... ( broken voice )

She checked his nerves, he was breathing but breathing rate wasn't normal, so she gave him CPR by applying pressure on his chest and after sometime, he choked as his breathing rate became normal. He opens his eyes in thin slits and Avni smiles between her tears and hugs him. He smiles faintly.

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