Chapter 22

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( Song that is used in this chapter is "Princess of China" by Rihanna and Coldplay. In case you have listen it then it's good, if not listen the above song, as it will help you in connecting with scene in a better manner.)



It's been a week since all that drama have happened in Avni's life.

The whole city is drooling in happiness as it's the new year eve and everyone is ready to celebrate it in their own style.

At Khanna hotel, a grand masquerade party is organised for new year celebrations.

The hotel is well decorated with fresh flowers, fairy lights, antiques artworks. Everyone is enjoying here as it's a grand celebration and Khanna's have given a royal touch to this party as their happiness knew no bounds, after all there one and the only son is tying knot with his fiancee very soon.

The Khanna family was welcoming the guests there, no one can recognise each other courtesy mask theme and the suggestion regarding the party's  theme was given by their son, the one and only Neil. But the question is, Where were Neil and his fiancee ?

A lady was talking to Shweta.

Lady - Where is Neil and your to be daughter in law ?

Shweta - Well, they both wanted to celebrate their new year personally so we didn't forced them. Maybe they will come later.

The guests were enjoying the royal party while amongst all this crowd, a girl was seen standing at the balcony of the party hall. She was clad in a cherry red, off shoulder gown with a pair of golden earings. Her long hairs were  opened and a mask was hiding her angelic face. She was staring  the crowd while sipping her champagne.

( Song in bold )

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

She smirked when she saw two people entering the hall hand in hand. The boy was dressed up in black tuxedo and the girl was drapped in dark green coloured  gown. Both were hiding  their faces with masks

Once upon a time somebody ran
Somebody ran away saying fast as I can
I've got to go, I've got to go!

The girl was coming down and was having a fierce look in her eyes as if she wants to burn the pair of that girl and boy. Her dangerous eyes were enough to send shivers down their spines if they ever witness her big black doe shaped eyes throwing fireballs on them.

Once upon a time we fell apart
You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart
Oh, oh!

The girl and boy were talking with each other regarding something while the girl with fierce eyes was watching them with aggression in her eyes.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

She pulled out a bug from he clutch and walked towards the pair who were busy in discussing something. She adjusted the bug on boy's shirt's  collar very cleverly without coming into anyone's notice and moved in opposite direction.

Once upon a time, we burned bright
Now all we ever seem to do is fight
On and on
And on and on and on

She was walking towards her destination but stopped when she felt a hand wrapping around her wrist.

Once upon a time on the same side.
Once upon a time on the same side, in the same game
And why'd you have to go, have to go and throw water on my flame

There she saw a boy dressed in red wine coloured blazer accompanied by a white shirt and black pants. His face was hidden with mask but his eyes were staring her continuously. Red was indeed her colour.

I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go

The boy dragged the girl with him and both reached dance floor. He grabbed her by her waist while her arms were encircled around his neck. Their eyes weren't leaving each other and a small smile appeared on their faces while dancing.

I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go

The boy twirls her around and then hugs her tightly in such a way that his breathe is fanning on her shoulder giving her shivers.

And stole my star
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la 
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la 
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la 
You stole my star
La, la la la la la

They both were dancing while hugging and were lost in their own world. No one knew who they were but they both were complementing each other very well.

Oh-oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh-oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

The boy pulled out from the hug and dragged the girl into a secluded corner. They both were lost in each other eyes. His hazel orbs weren't leaving her black orbs as if his life depends on her. He removed her mask for taking a look on her gorgeous face while she removed his mask as she don't want any barrier inbetween them. He traced her face lovingly while she closes her eyes in anticipation.

'Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
'Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
'Cause you really hurt me
Oh you really hurt me, oh
'Cause you really hurt me
Oh you really hurt me

The boy plants a kiss on her forehead and then trails his lips on her eyes, nose tip and finally claims her lips in ever so gentle manner. The girl pulls out from the kiss early, thus making him frustrated while she smirked at  his condition.

Boy - Wild beauty.. ( frustrated ).

Girl - ( giggles ) Catch me if you can Mr. Hot stuff. ( smirks )

Neil - Oh really just wait and watch miss.

Avni ran away while Neil was running behind her.

Avni - ( while running ) Punishment time Mr. Hot stuff.

Neil - ( while running ) You can't do this with me. ( pouts ).

Avni giggles.

( Next few updates will consists of flashbacks and will answer all your questions. )

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Much love
Thanks ❤

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