Meeting The Guys

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After an hour long drive, I finally arrived at my new home. I parked the car in the drive way and stared at the house that was now all mine.

"Home sweet home." I said, talking to myself.

I opened my door and got out, closing it behind me. I looked around, taking notice of my surrounding's. I was right next to a blue house, two cars parked in the driveway. Across the street was a lavender colored house, one car was in the driveway.

"New neighbors..." I sighed, meeting people was never my thing. Let alone being good at first impressions. Maybe I could change that.

I went around to the back of the car. Unlocking the trunk, I swung it up and gazed at the belongings I had brought with me. I picked up a box. Instead of successfully picking it up, I fell backwards from the weight, also losing the box. I prepared for impact upon the ground but felt someone grab me and put me on my feet. I opened my eyes to find a light skin, tall, dark-ish blue haired guy standing there.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounding sincere and kind.

"Yeah, the box just happened to be too much to handle." I said and laughed. He joined in.

"Well, I'm Dante. I live next door with my three roommates." He said, casually. THREE ROOMMATES?!?!

"Wow. It must get, quite loud at times..." I awkwardly said. That's another thing about me, I'm not exactly good with conversations involving people I hardly know.

"Yeah. But enough about me! Would you like any help unpacking? Those boxes seem pretty heavy..." He asked.

"Sure! That would be wonderful! Especially since it's just me." I replied, a grin growing on my face.

"I'll go get my lazy, good for nothing roommates to help." He said, and started jogging back to his house.

"Okay!" I yelled back to him. I picked up a light box and went inside. I placed it down on the hardwood floor. I glanced around my new home. It was empty but perfect for me. As I walked back outside I noticed Dante walk into the driveway, followed by three guys.

"Dante! I don't wanna do this- oh uh, hey there." The brunette said.

He had short, wavy brown hair and baby blue eyes, that seemed to linger where they shouldn't...The guy next to him had blonde hair and light, sparkly, ocean-blue eyes. He seemed kind, but I'll find out soon enough. The last guy had cloud-white hair and emerald eyes. Okay, they don't seem too bad. But, I'm watching that brunette.

"Dante" I laughed, "Who are these, supposedly, kind gentlemen." I asked.

"Brunette is Laurence, Blonde is Garroth and-" Dante started to explain, but was interrupted as the white haired dude walked up to me.

"My names Travis, M'lady." He said and kissed my hand. I giggled and saw the boys stare and heard low growl's.

------Travis POV-----

"My names Travis, M'lady." I said and she giggled. I kissed her hand and she turned a bubblegum pink-like shade.

"Well, why don't we start getting these boxes in." She said as the moving van pulled up.

"Okay, but first, tell me you're name oh beautiful one." I said with a flirtatious smile. I could tell the guys were getting jealous, mentally smirking at my accomplishment.

"My name is y/n."

"Well Y/n, why don't we start." I said.

------Garroth POV------

I got jealous from Travis's flirting. Was I developing feeling's for the new girl. STOP IT GARROTH!!! She probably doesn't return the feelings anyway. But Travis is being a huge flirt. If only I was as confident as the other guys. I can't like her anyways! I like Aphmau. Right?

-------Laurence POV-----

I liked Y/n the second I saw her sparkly e/c eyes and her beautiful h/c hair. I hope no one noticed when I happened to stare at her, uh, nevermind. I will make her mine. Even if there's competition. I know the others are probably thinking the same. Travis being the flirt he is, isn't helping. I'm surprised that he hasn't gone for the butt yet. And that he hasn't been slapped or punched yet.

------Dante's POV-----

I still can't believe that I saved a pretty- no, beautiful, girl from getting hurt. I'm not one to usually be bold. It's obvious the guys also have a crush, I'll just have to step up my game. Maybe, become a little more like Travis.

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