Do they like me

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"I'm so sorry Kyle. None of us knew or-" Max stopped.

He didn't want to finish the sentence. 'None of us knew or noticed.' Noticed. That would break Kyle. The fact that no one seemed to notice that Y/n was hurting. That she went through more then they had realized.

"It's okay, Max. None of us noticed. But, there's no way we could've. She kept everything on the inside..." Kyle said, choking back tears.

"But, who's 'he'. Cause apparently a 'he' also hurt her. Deep down." Max said.

"It doesn't matter. We should go out and see if her friends are awake. So we can meet them, too." Nick said, rushed and a bit suspiciously.

Adam had been oddly quiet for a while. He was really close to Y/n. She was like a sister to him. This probably hurt him more than it hurt Kyle. They opened the door and smelled food. It smelt like meat and eggs. They went out to the living room and saw Y/n with that Aaron guy. They were cooking. Together.

-------------Y/n's POV---------

Once the boys went to the guest room, I relaxed on the sofa and watched tv. I mean, what's the point of sleeping if I'm going to just get interrupted over and over again. There was a knock on the door so I got up to get it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Y/n! Can I come in?" Aaron asked.

"Sure. I was just about to make breakfast then wake up the girls."

"I'll help."

"Okay." I said and we went to the kitchen.

We started with bacon. I layed down the strips and he preheated the oven. I put them inside and we started on the eggs. I cracked the eggs and slid them on the pan. Aaron stood behind me and put his arms around me, then steered the eggs around on the pan. I laughed and he did too.
He told me jokes and I smiled. He knew how to charm a girl. I knew the other guys didn't know he was coming here. Or he wouldn't of come by himself.

"I'll go get the girls. But first-" I said and took a piece of the cooked egg and shoved it into my mouth.

"Mhhhhm Sooooo gooood." I said and laughed. He smiled back.

"Ill be waiting." He said, and I left but stopped short when I saw the guys.

"Hey! Breakfast is ready if you want some." I guess Aaron heard me because he peeked out of the kitchen and shot the guys a glare. I walked past them and up to the girls, laughing quietly to myself.

"BREAKFAST!!!" I called. They got up and bolted to the door but stopped when I stood in the way.

"Uh-uh! No way. We have company so put shirts on. Now!" I said and walked back downstairs.

I grabbed some breakfast and heard the girls come downstairs. I heard them giggling as they saw me hug Nick.

"What? Oh. My. Irene! If you think that then I'm gonna kill you all!" I said and turned red. They noticed and giggled more.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves. Ladies." I emphasized ladies as I sat down.

The girls introduced themselves one-by-one to the guys. They hadn't noticed Aaron in the kitchen yet. The guys then introduced themselves and I noticed a couple girls blush. Just to make them jealous I started asking them questions.

"Hey Max, how's you're girlfriend doing?"

"Oh. She's doing good."

"Adam, how's your's?"

"Doing great! She was talking about how everyone from the offices, you, and her should have a get-together soon."

"That would be fun!" I said and smiled.

I knew the girls were jealous. That made me happier for some reason.

"Girls, why don't you get breakfast. Aaron! You should invite the other guys over too!" I said and flashed a warm smile.

"Will do!" He shouted.

The girls giggled again. Oops. Was I not suppose to reveal that Aaron came over. Oh well. Aaron called the guys and they came 5 minutes later. The house was a little crowded so I went upstairs.
This wasn't that bad. But, it is only going to get worse...
But, don't worry about it.

Okay, Bai!

- Travy

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