You are now my big fat crush

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I woke up to see the guys asleep and noticing I wasn't at aph's. I giggled to myself.

'Of course they would sneak me off in the middle of the night to their house.' I thought to myself.

I carefully got up and went to the kitchen. Nothing. I left a note saying;

'I went back to Aph's since you didn't have anything to eat. I'll be back later if we don't meet there. Love you all!
~ y/n'

I walked back to Aph's and knocked on the door, no answer. I went around the back and opened the slide doors.

'Ha! Not locked.' I thought to myself.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Zane standing there. He was looking threw the pantry.

"Did you not hear me knocking? Or opening the slide doors?" I asked.

"Gah! You scared me. No I didn't. You hungry? And where were you that you had to knock on the door?" He said.

"Ha. Cloud, dirt and ocean took me to their place. I woke up there and they had nothing to eat. So I came back. And yeah, I'm starved." I said.

"Hm, interesting. I'll make food. Then we can go eat outside so that the smell doesn't trigger the boys or Aph's sense of smell. Don't ask why about Aph. Just know that I know from experience." I nodded and sat in a chair.

When he was done we went outside and chatted.

"Hm, I didn't know you could cook Zane. I mean, Aph told me about the cupcakes but I never imagined this good." I said. He blushed and thanked me for the compliment.

"I'm surprised at how chill you are. The other boys are always either flirting or trying to kiss me. It's, tiring." I said and he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Well that's because they treat you like other girls. I don't because, well, your not like others girls. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not flirting but take it as a friendly compliment." He said.

"Heh, I will."

We could hear talking from inside of the house. I kissed him on the cheek and he turned red.

"That's for being a good friend. We should probably head inside." I said and we did.

Aphmau gasped when we entered together.

"Zane! You made food and didn't leave me any. Hmph!" She said and refused to look at him.

"Sorry Aph, I can make you some right now."

"YAY!!!" She said like a child and hugged him, he hugged back.

So cute. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Vylad sat up next to me.

"Mornin'." I said and he layed his head in my lap.

I combed my hands through his hair as he fell back to sleep. I rubbed his back and shoulders and knew the other boys were jealous. Dante, Laurence and Travis walked in and immediately were jealous. I heard them talking but continued to watch NCIX: Florida. Everyone but Vylad, Lucinda and Nicole were awake. Travis sat next to me, obviously jealous. To make him more jealous, I bent down and kissed Vylad on top of the head. Instead of getting mad, he put his arm around me. I could feel the smirk radiating off his gigantic ego. I was too busy with Vylad to care. Vylad slowly woke up and Travis moved his arm off of me.

"Finally wanting to wake up?" I said, jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny. But, yeah. I've had enough sleep."

"Good. Because everyone else is awake. We've already ate but if you want, I can make you something."

"Sure. It doesn't matter."

"Okay." I said and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed a pan and the eggs. 2 left. Perfect. I cracked them over the pan and started cooking. I could see a couple of the boys peering around the corner, trying to see who was cooking. I heard a chair slide out then back in behind me. I grabbed a plate and slid the eggs on. I grabbed a fork and dusted some salt on the eggs.

"Thanks" I heard Vylad say.

"Anytime." I said and started washing the pan I used.

When I finished, Vylad did too. So I took and washed the plate and fork. When I was finished we went back out to the living room. Everyone was there so, I sat down in between Dante and Laurence.

Some x reader action going on. How sweet though, you made breakfast for Vyladie! Awwwww. Now, hurry along to wait/ read for/-the next chapter. I bet you're dying to find out.

- Travy

Ps: sorry for late upload.

Pre-posting announcement:

October will have a bumpy uploading schedule. It's my brothers sixteenth birthday this year, and we'll be working hard to make it the best. Okay, posting for Promise Me soon. I almost have the chapter completed. Soon enough, it'll come to an end. But not just yet. Alright, see ya guys later.


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