The drunk party

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It was Laurence?!?!? Why was he drunk? And why did he sit next to me. Then I remembered the comment I heard. 'Why didn't I think of that', did he have a crush on me? No, no. Don't be stupid. He was just joking around. Was he?

"Hey Laurence."

"Hey beautiful! You wanna go to my place? Maybe have some fun~?" He said. I instantly turned a very noticeable red.

"Laurence, I-I—" I was interrupted by a tall guy with black hair, he had on an unzipped red jacket, and no shirt.

"Laurence, why don't you go hang out with Garroth and let me introduce myself to the new girl." The mysterious, gorgeous guy said.

"Fine. See ya later, cutie." Laurence said then walked off.

"I'm so sorry if Laurence was bothering you. He can get, outta hand at times. Heh. I'm Aaron by the way, Aaron Lycan." He said, sitting down.

"I'm Y/n." I said.

"Well I should go check on the, probably drunk, guys. And then most likely hide the alcohol. See you later." He said and walked off.

It was getting loud so I went out the back doors, to the backyard. It was beautiful outside. The moon was glistening as it reflected off the pool water. I walked to the middle of the yard. About, 4 feet from the pool. I was so entranced by the view that I didn't hear the sliding doors open and close.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" A voice asked, sounded like a guy.

"Just, wanted to get away and come outside. Heh, too many drunk people in there..." I said and turned around to see who it was.

A guy with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and mostly brown on was standing there. He had a green scarf on. He was, well, cute.

"I'm Vylad, Garroth and Zane's little brother. I'm the youngest." He said.

"I'm Y/n. One question. Who's Zane?" I asked.

"Don't stress, he's not important right now. What's important is this moment. Right here, right now." I pretended not to see it, but I noticed the girls and a couple guys looking out the kitchen and upstairs Windows. I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, just the fact of the people looking out the windows. *cough* Aph *cough*" he smiled and got closer to me.

"Well, let them look. If anything, the guys should be jealous. I'm getting to spend my time with a beautiful lady, in one of the most extravagant places we could be." He said as I blushed.

"Your close, but not as bad, as Travis..." I said. We laughed and he got even closer.

"How- How do I know you're not drunk?" I asked, curious for his response.

"Are they still looking?" He asked, avoiding my question.

"Heh. All of them now, not even trying to be sneaky at this point. But you didn't answer me." I said. He grinned.

"Good. I want them to look." Before I could remind him about my question, he leaned in and kissed me.

I was surprised at first but I wasn't going to resist. He was showing a passion. I liked it. 'How do I know I'm not drunk at this point?' He pulled away and smiled. The sliding doors shot open as the boys started coming out. Surprised, I stumbled and fell backwards into the pool.

"I'll save you my princess!" Vylad said and took his jacket, shirt, and scarf off, then shoes and jumped in after me.

We came back up in the middle of the pool, away from the surrounding people. We laughed at the guys faces. The girls were giggling and taking photos. Vylad grabbed my hand and pulled me under water, then kissed me again. We floated back up to the surface.

"Let's go change into pajama's!" Aph said.

Once everyone left we got out and grabbed the towels that Aph set out for us. I went to the side of the house and took off my clothes and wrapped the towel around me then went inside. Everyone was changed and was staring at me. The boys mouths open wide, except for Vylad who looked away and was blushing. I ran into the bathroom with my bag and changed. I came back out and sat on the couch, next to Dante and Travis. The guys made sure that Vylad wasn't near me.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Aph said

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"Let's play truth or dare!" Aph said.

Did you guys like the chapter. Btw, I'm a huge 21 pilots fan.


Lol, anyways, sorry for the late upload. I've been a bit busy and forgot my upload. But here it is. Alright, move along to another book and another week of waiting. Bye guys!

- Travy

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