Sleepover Hangover

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     Before we started, Aph, introduced me to the others. So, there's; Aph, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Nicole, Lucinda, Dante, Laurence, Aaron, Vylad, Garroth, Zane, Travis, And a couple others that weren't there. Aph started the game.

"Hmmm. Aha! I know...Muahahahaha. Anyways, hehehehehe, *Says in a serious tone*, Garroth Ro'Meave truth or dare? Muahahahhahahaha!" Aph said.

"I think I'm rubbing off to much on her..." Zane said, and I laughed.

"Uh-I uh, DARE!" Garroth said, trying to be manly and impress his new crush.

"MUAHAHAHAHHAAH! You fell into my trap! That was too easy! Hahaha! I dare you, to Do7MinutesInHeavenWithY/N!" Aph laughed as the guys groaned.

     The girls giggled and Kawaii-Chan screamed like a little kid.

"KAWAII-CHANS SHIP!!! S/n WILL SAIL!!!!" Kawaii-Chan screamed.

     Me and Garroth turned very red. Aph pushed us into a closet and closed the doors. She knew about Garroths crush.

"So, uh, what do you wann-" Garroth cut me off with a kiss.

     Which quickly turned into a make-out session. About 3, boring minutes passed before things got heated. Garroth pinned me to the wall and kissed my neck. He started touching my bottom lip with his toungue, wanting entry. I accepted and opened up my mouth slightly and his toungue explored. We moved slightly, causing something to fall over. I kissed his cheek, then started to nibble on his ear. I heard giggles from beyond the doors. He slid his hands up my shirt and grasped my  bra. I moaned and felt along his abs.

"It's been 7 minutes!!!" Aph said, peering through the slots in the door.

     She giggled and went back to sit down, smiling like an idiot.

"Do you wanna go back out?" I asked.

"Not really, the guys will just kill me..." He laughed and I joined in.

     I pinned him to the wall, making a thud.

"I've got you now." I said and started the make-out session again. While i was distracted, he flipped us around.

"I like it better this way." He said.

I smiled. He grabbed my butt and I fell into him, knocking us both off our feet. I was drunk on his love. No, i was just drunk. The alcohol on his lips tasted a bit bitter-sweet. We passed out on each other.


"Uh, it's been 10 minutes. I'm gonna check on them." Aph said as they heard the loud thud of them hitting the floor.

"Uh, okay I can't explain that!" She said as she ran to the closet and opened the doors to see them passed out on each other. The smell of alcohol was coming from them.

Aph screamed but it was too late.

     Kawaii-Chan had already took half a dozen pictures and was squealing. The boys came and dragged Garroth out as Travis and Dante lightly picked up Y/n and sat her on the couch, sitting next to her.

"Okay, I think it's time we head to bed. Girls sleep upstairs and boys downstairs." When Aph thought all of the girls were upstairs she closed the door and went to sleep.

     The guys still had Y/n downstairs. When they went to sleep, Dante, Travis and Laurence took Y/n to their place, leaving Garroth behind. The sat her down on the couch, Dante and Travis next to her while Laurence slept in the chair.
Why are you still here? Move along to another book/chapter...
And sorry for the late post, I've had things on my mind. Until next time my people...

- Travy

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