Secrets Revealed

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     We went to the guys house and we started chatting. Adam, Max and Nick talked about a YouTubers life and their channels to the guys. Me and Kyle caught up. We were having fun.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"4:37. Why?" Garroth said.

"What?!?? I've gotta get back to the girls. If I don't they might wake up and worry." I said.

"Okay. I think we might stay in town for a couple days. I'll text you later. Bye Y/n." Nick said.

"Heh. Bye Nick, Max, Adam and Kyle. If you need anywhere to stay, let me know. You should be able to stay at my house for as long as needed." I said and left.

     Everything was quiet once she left. Everyone was quiet. Quiet. No one really liked that word. Well, that changed.

"Okay. I need to know this since I'm family. Who here likes Y/n? Adam and Max don't you dare raise your hand cause Adam you have A girlfriend that I can't think of a name for right now and Max you have one as well. Okay. 3. 2. 1. Raise your hand." Kyle said and watched as his eyes widened.

"No way. How can everyone but me, Adam and max have a crush on Y/n?" Kyle said.

"Who knows...But, we should get a little sleep, so that we can get up and watch the girls from the Windows." Travis said.

Laurence smacked him.

"Hey! Owww...Don't act like you weren't thinking the same thing..." Travis said.

They settled down and fell asleep, well everyone but the four guys.

"Wanna go to Y/n's house?" Nick said. Adam, Kyle and Max agreed to the idea and they left.

     Aaron was awake and watched. He planned to head there soon.

     The four guys got there and knocked. No one answered. They knocked again and a girl came to the door. She had orange hair and lightly tanned skin.

"What do you want?" She said.

"Is Y/n here?" Max said.

"Yeah. Why?" She replied.

"I'm her brother, Kyle. And this is Adam, Max and Nick. We are good friends of hers and well, I'm her brother. Can we speak to her?" Kyle said.

"Sure. I'll go get her. Come in. My names Lucinda." Lucinda said then walked upstairs.

     Kyle closed the door behind them and sat down. A few minutes later, Y/n came down.

"What." She said.

"Can we stay with you?" Adam said.

"Sure. Is that all?" She asked.

"Yep." Nick said.

"The guest bedroom is down the hall. There's two beds and two chairs. You can decide on the sleeping quattems. And please, don't interrupt or wake up the girls. Thanks." She said.

     The guys went down to their room. They found a book on the bed. They closed the door and opened to the first page.


This will be quick-ish. For the next part, you do not really get to choose. But, there is a good reason for that. You're going to figure out a secret about you. Now, it's going to get a bit intense. I don't wanna say anything to spoil it, but just know you're going to wanna brace yourself. Okay, back to the chapter...


They continued to read on.


     I met Kyle's friends today. Their funny and nice. I see why Kyle likes to hang out with them. He didn't tell me that he knew YouTubers though. I guess every corner has a surprise waiting. Even though I quit YouTube
awhile ago, I still play with them here and there. This anxiety and depression is getting worse. I've thought about moving soon. I just need to save up some money. Maybe one day.'

They skipped a couple pages.


     I haven't wrote for awhile, now. I've been busy with work and people. I almost have enough money, now I need to find the perfect place. I heard people are selling houses in Phenix Drop. That's close to O'kasis too! So I won't be that far away. My issues are clearing up a little. I won't lie, though. I've had some thought about ending it here. But, I'm not done with this life yet. If anything, I'll keep going for Kyle, Nick, Adam, Max, Ross and Jin. Their great friends. I even play with them on Minecraft for role plays or games like Never Have I Ever or Death Run. Okay, write soon.'

They skipped some more pages.


     No luck with a house yet. But, I'm staying alert. Something tells me that I'm close. I've had a couple more thought's about ending it here and now. But I'm still going for those around me. I think about what Kyle would do or what the guys would do. OMG!!! I met Jacksepticeye and Markiplier last week! Adam introduced me and it was awesome. At least things aren't so bad anymore. I've taken up song writing. I write about him sometimes. If only he would notice how I felt...'

They skipped farther ahead, curiosity taking over them.


     I cut myself today. It wasn't the first time though. I don't regret a thing. I'm thing about ending it all. Maybe I should. This world isn't my place. I hate O'kasis. I can't write anymore. Someone's banging on the door.'

They skipped to the last entry...


     I found a place in Phenix Drop. Its on a road called Mystreet. I'm moving in tommorow. But, I can't  get my hopes up yet. I don't know of anyone
(The rest was ripped out.)

Woah. That was deep....

It only gets worse from here on, so, brace you're self. Some of these events are ones either I've experienced or ones close to me are. I don't really like to write fake things either. It does hurt to talk about these things, but it has to be done. It definitely helps when I get it out of my system. Anyways, what did you think? Trust me, it does get more interesting. You'll just have to see for yourself.

- Travy

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