Dont play with their hearts

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I went to my room and sat in a chair, facing the opposite direction of the door. I grabbed my phone and earbuds. I put on 'Hate You Love You by Olivia O'Brian'. I grabbed my notebook and a pencil and started sketching. I sang along to the song:

'Feeling used,
But I'm,
Still missing you,
And I can't,
See the end of this,
Just wanna feel your kiss,
Against my lips,
And now all this time,
Is passing by,
I still can't seem to pass you by,
It hurts me everytime I see you,
Realize how much I need you.'

I finished up shading, coloring and adding details to my sketch. I felt someone hug me from behind. I looked back to see Dante. Finally! Someone who hasn't hit on me yet. Well, Aaron hasn't...

"What are you drawing?" He asked. I showed him my notebook.

"That's really good!" He said

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"That's really good!" He said.
"Thanks..." I replied.
"Can I look through your notebook?" He asked.
"Sure." I said and listened to music while he did.
"Their really good. You know, I'm actually happy to find you up here. The other girls are boring at times. But you. There's something different about you. Something, intriguing..." Dante said, stepping towards me. I stood up and looked at him.
"W-What? Do you know something?" I said, worrying.
"No but, it's just you're.....aura. It's different and entrancing. Mysterious and beautiful. It'" He said and laughed. He stepped closer again, inches away from my face. I looked up at him as he looked down at me.
"It's.....loveable." He said and kissed me. Next thing I knew was that he had me pinned to the wall. I couldn't pull away, no matter how hard I tried. He put my legs around him and sat down on my bed. He still had me against the wall. I put my hands around his neck. I let my arms rest on his shoulders. He pulled away and I saw his eyes sparkle. They sparkled with lust. A deep wanting was glowing from them. I smiled and he did too. I rested my forehead on his and he played with my hair. I looked at him as he put his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and heard the door open.
"Hey, y/n are you- What is going on up here?!?!! Dante get off of her!" Katelyn said, worrying about what was happening.

"Katelyn, shhh! Nothing's happening so just, leave. Let us have a moment." I said, smiling.

"No! Something was about to happen!" She accusingly said. Dante looked at her with lust, sparkling from his dark blue narrowed eyes. He was upset for her intruding and wanted her to leave.

"D-Dante...." Katelyn said, backing out of the doorway.

"What Katelyn? Let us have a moment." Dante said, turning to me and smiling.

Katelyn gave up and closed the door. We could hear her running down the stairs. Then yelling. Me and Dante laughed.

"Since we probably only have one more minute. I'm gonna do this straight. I like you, Y/n. I like you a lot." Dante said then kissed me. It was different this time. It was magical. He pulled away just as the door swung open and the guys ran in. I was as red as a strawberry.

"WHAT DID YOU DO DANTE?!???!!!?" Laurence yelled.

"OH MY IRENE DANTE! DID YOU KISS HER?!?" Travis screamed.

Kyle, Max and Adam laughed. They found everything funny.

"OH MY IRENE Y/N, ARE YOU OKAY?" Nick asked. Of course he would care the most out of those jerks.

"I'm fine. Maybe....Dante...isn't that bad." I said, just to get the guys jealous. I stood up, which was a big mistake.

"I'll show you what a good kiss is!" Travis said then pulled me in by the waist and kissed me.

I heard more giggles. I wish I could just, punch them sometimes. When Travis pulled away, I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me out. It was Nick.

"Do you love them?" He said.

"W-what?" I said.

"You know what I mean. Do you, care for them?"

"I guess..."

"Well, if you love them, let them go. And come back with me and the others."

"What?!?? I can't."


"Cause I can't!" I snapped.

"Come on. Come back with us. Come back with me..."

"As much as I'd like too, O'kasis isn't my place. You know that. Everyone does. I left my past there. I have a new life. And I wanna pursue it."

"Okay then, but promise me one thing."


"You won't play with their hearts." He said.

I sighed. "Shut up, Casanova." I said and playfully punched him in the arm. He looked at me.


"Before I lose you forever, I need you to know something."

"Now your scaring me, Nick."

"I need you to know that, I'm right here. No matter what you go through, I'll be right by your side. Just, don't leave me."

"I won't." I looked down but he put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him.

"I don't know what I'd do with out you, Angel." He said. H-he used my name. My real name.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Nick..." I said and smiled.

We went out to the living room and sat on the couch. I was exhausted. I had gotten barely any sleep. We could hear yelling from upstairs. I guess no one noticed we left. I fell asleep with my head in Nick's lap. It was peaceful.

Well, ON WIT DA STORYYYYY LINE! Sorry for my, embarrassing self. So...? I think I did good. Two more chapters to go. And if I'm nice, maybe a sneak peak at book two. I'm not gonna say a word unless me get this book to any number in any tag under 50! Have fun!
- Travy

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